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Reviews (10,821)


One Dark Night (1982) 

English Meg Tilly was perfectly chosen for her role, being still so young and innocent at the time. I like her in all sorts of roles and she suited me in this one too, although in the end the focus turned to other characters. Yet even that didn't stop One Dark Night from having a proper horror atmosphere and from being able to build up to a surprisingly special effects conclusion that I liked.


Compulsion (2016) 

English You mustn't watch Sadie hoping to be scared. You may feel slight, maybe even stronger excitement from the film, but the fear is really rather marginal, simply a slight chill. If at all. There are visually interesting scenes, but the whole time you get the feeling that the film is simply playing at being something, that it wants to be more artistic than it really is. That bothered me.


Filth to Ashes, Flesh to Dust (2011) 

English Filth to Ashes, Flesh to Dust is about a group of young people who are in a house where a killer once resided, and it’s a bit of a parody of the genre, but an unintentional parody. The actors might have performed better if they’d improvised, the cinematography is unable to capture a single good scene, and there is nothing that will scare you. This is an hour and a half of your valuable time wasted.


Helldriver (2010) 

English The Japanese trash bizarre film Helldriver manages to live up to expectations in that there are some truly nasty and crazy scenes, of which some are shot with almost childish glee, but not enough to really grab you. In fact, you might find yourself getting annoyed early on. That's not a very good calling card for a film that's supposed to be weird and engrossing in the first place.


The Rake (2018) 

English The American horror film The Rake is no surprise and ultimately not as good a horror film as it made itself out to be after the first few minutes. It's as if it switched to another film that isn't even as good as the opening scene in terms of the acting. It's a shame, because the plot seemed to get off to a good start. Instead, we get a relatively standard indie horror film that doesn't even impress you with its monster.


The Beast Within (1982) 

English The horror film The Beast Within is one of those gems that can amaze, even though I didn't know much about it beforehand. Yet it's one of those films that should be talked about, because they may be retro, but they're still good and in some ways have lost nothing. You won't this dense of an atmosphere for the entire duration of the film anywhere else. And that's the great virtue of a film that's almost forty years old.


Daylight's End (2016) 

English It's nice to have a familiar face in Daylight's End, like Lance Henriksen or Louis Mandylor, but even in their case it's not really a big deal. Lance is often simply in a scene for decoration, which seems a bit unfair to him. But he couldn't have gotten a proper role in this film, because the film itself goes downhill as the runtime progresses. Although it certainly didn’t start off badly.


The Last Light (2014) 

English The Last Light doesn't bring anything new to survival movies, nor does it bring anything new to apocalyptic movies. And also not really from a horror perspective. This is simply an attempt to make a basic film that functions, but it’s also not anything groundbreaking, there’s no potential of a familiar face, and it’s boring until the end and nothing interesting happens.


The Neighbour No. 13 (2005) 

English The Japanese film The Neighbor No. Thirteen is really not for everyone, because it is very harsh, and yet this fact is also its virtue, as it is a demonstration of how it is also possible to cope with the unbearable pressure that is put on some individuals while others look the other way or turn a blind eye. Perhaps sometimes they don't really even see the bad. The Neighbor No. Thirteen is a specific concept of how to cope with bullying. A very specific concept.


Wildling (2018) 

English The entirety of the American horror film Wildling is actually about the transformation of a character, about understanding who she really is, how specific she is, how different she is. It's the classic American horror movie theme of a child turning into an adult, in this case a woman turning into a girl, but there are also other elements that she must embrace. The overall transformation is indeed filmed quite well.