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Reviews (10,848)


The Rizen (2017) 

English The British film The Rizen is a classic interior horror film where you hardly move from the room. The creators thought they could handle it with two characters, but they weren’t able to. There are monsters here and they're not bad, but I didn't feel like they were used well. There's the overdone CGI ending that the film totally messed up. It’s unfortunate, but there probably wasn't much more they could have done about it anyway.


The Black Scorpion (1957) 

English The rear projection in The Black Scorpion isn't perfect, but some of the fights are really good. I was affected by the right magic of old special effects, old films, of trying to make something fanciful, even when the means weren't there, even when the technology wasn't perfect and Ray Harryhausen wasn't available. In this case, this beautiful nostalgia is good enough for me.


Crawlspace (2016) 

English Within is not a great horror movie, it's not a stunning horror movie, but it is a good horror movie. It's a horror film that can scare you, but above all there's an important atmosphere that you can cut, coupled with the fact that there are some really good scenes. For example, watching what was happening behind me in the reflection on the kitchen counter was really creepy to me.


Cobaye (2012) 

English Australia has horror films that are very good, but Crawlspace unfortunately isn’t one of them. The subject matter is very B-movie, which is fine, but unfortunately it's not pushed to any interesting level with which you can make the film into something more than simply an action B-movie with horror and sci-fi elements, which do come together, but it's not something that's downright riveting.


The Night Watchman (2016) 

English The Spanish film The Night Watchman has a particular uncertainty about it. This is mainly due to the way it affects the viewer. It may excite some viewers as much as it may discourage others. I am extremely happy to see the beautifully distant and dirty environment in which the film takes place. Thanks to this the creators were halfway there. They didn't exactly confirm that with the story, but they didn't completely disappoint me either.


Unsane (2018) 

English Steven Soderbergh has shown that small films are close to his heart and that he knows what to do with them. He had a very good script at hand for this film, which turned out to be a powerful weapon and he made the most of it. Sometimes there is power in simplicity when the right filmmaker takes charge. And as it turns out, Steven Soderbergh is clearly a capable filmmaker, and not simply because of his absolutely amazing camera work.


Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy (1955) 

English The American comedy Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy is not exactly explosive, but every now and then there is some humor that will amuse, whether it's situational comedy, a catchphrase, or simply a grimacing actor. This film does nothing for mummies, and there isn’t a great story is it or even anything that is particularly exciting beyond the comedy. But it's entertaining enough for one viewing.


Dead West (2016) 

English The American film Dead West may have horror elements, but ultimately it's mainly a crime road movie, where it's not so much about the psyche of the titular killer, but simply about who else he's going to kill. It's a shame that the filmmakers didn't care much about the killing and did a lazy job of the whole thing. This film wasn’t very good from a horror, western, or even crime point of view.


Dark Vision (2015) 

English If a little more effort had been put into Dark Vision, if there had been an original idea in it, the film could be forgiven for its lack of creativity, at least as far as the special effects scenes are concerned, but unfortunately that is not the case here. The British setting also doesn't add anything other than the accent. Which amounts to very little. Nevertheless, Dark Vision is quite watchable in places and doesn't deserve to be given an outright boo!


Sweet Home (2015) 

English The Spanish-Polish film Sweet Home is a straightforward home invasion survival movie, with the central couple so relatable, believable and good that it doesn't matter that you're watching them in a fairly expected story. You'll also find yourself rooting for them. Truthfully, you won't want some of the scenes to come to fruition while crossing your fingers in certain spots. From this perspective the film works.