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Reviews (10,817)


Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars (2017) 

English I was quite curious to see how the animated trip into the world of Starship Troopers would turn out, because it is not the first of these. The concept is perhaps unnecessarily too fun and relaxed, which bothered me quite a bit, but you have to admit that the visual aspect of the film was good. I really did enjoy watching it. However, the film didn't impress in terms of plot, hence the average rating that I gave it.


Shock Wave (2017) 

English This is a different action film than you might expect from Hong Kong. It's more modern, less B-movie-like, and that is quite fitting for it. This is mostly because Andy Lau is an amazing star, and he's professional in the way he handles the scenes where you really have to act, not just fight. This is a well-handled film that I enjoyed.


Revolt (2017) 

English Lee Pace is an actor I'm quite fond of, thanks to the Pushing Daisies series. Good visuals in a sci-fi film is another element I like and can appreciate. I think that these two aspects, and the fact that the story is decent, make the film deserving of at least an average rating.


Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy (2014) 

English To be honest, of all the Scooby-Doo films I've seen, this is one of the better ones, mainly because it's quite funny in places. It’s also quite awkward in places, but I was counting on that. Overall, the story is imaginative and the horror monsters fit in quite nicely and are also entertaining.


Maurice (1987) 

English James Wilby, Hugh Grant and Rupert Graves form an interesting triangle, or rather two couples that are quite daring for their time. Mostly, however, it shows that these are actors who were not afraid, and that the filmmakers did not lack courage either. And that's a good thing. The film works and is still a very strong romantic drama today.


Lone Wolves (2016) 

English This is a boring sci-fi about how one man is the only hope for humanity, but you spend most of the time wondering why this dude should and could save anyone. It's not good, it's not well-made, and there's nothing in it that makes it a good sci-fi film. I give it points basically just for the efforts that the creators went to.


The Mind's Eye (2015) 

English The Mind's Eye has a pretty clear and well-know story, but I like it in its simplicity and directness. I liked the characters and was able to go on their journey with them to the end, and none of them bothered me. This is basically a slightly above-average B-movie that has something of Cronenberg and something of King and his para-horrors, which overall suited me just fine. I really didn't mind the lower budget.


Live From Space (2014) (shows) 

English I don't know if it's the age of the internet and the age where we can pretty much go anywhere with films, but while this is an interesting idea to get people interested in exploring space again, I could not help that I was quite bored at times. The commentators tried to liven up the transmissions from space a bit, but I still found it pretty awkward. Nevertheless, some of the shots can captivate.


Internal Affairs (1990) 

English I must admit that I got into Internal Affairs mainly because it features Richard Gere in a slightly different role than we usually know him for. Yet the role of the tough cop suits him and he is good at it, carrying the entire film along with other excellent, then young actors like Andy Garcia and William Baldwin.


Churchill (2017) 

English This is a fairly classic biopic that is mainly about the fact that great performances are expected from the leads. Brian Cox certainly didn't disappoint, but the film is just not anything fundamentally surprising, it has a very pathetic tone, which hurts the film, and you don't learn anything particularly new about Churchill himself.