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Reviews (7,561)


IT Crowd - Italian for Beginners (2010) (episode) 

English The last episode was a bit of a letdown, but this one was fantastic. It's like the "A-team" took charge this time and turned things around after the substitute team's failure. Moss's reactions to Roy's situation were hilarious, and Jen's attempt at speaking Italian had me cracking up. However, the real highlight of this episode was the poignant life story of Roy's girlfriend and the model building that followed. / Lesson learned: When you're building a model, don't make it too lifelike.


Love and Other Drugs (2010) 

English The movie would have been much improved if Josh, played by Josh Gad, was removed from the plot. His cringiness felt like something straight out of American Pie. The movie was stuck somewhere between comedy and drama without fully committing to either, lacking the wit needed for comedy and the depth required for drama. Not even Anne Hathaway's dedication to her role could save it. Oddly enough, I could relate to the main protagonist's emotions, however strange it feels to admit that. Having someone commit to you when you are in a state that's incompatible with life is not a good idea. For either of you. However, my ability to empathize with this aspect couldn't outweigh the overall pointlessness of the movie. / Lesson learned: Even a serious illness can find practical use in life.


Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) 

English I don't usually have high expectations for romantic comedies, so I'm pleasantly surprised whenever one manages to captivate me. Jason Segel did a decent job as the writer and main protagonist, although there were moments when I saw too much of him. His portrayal of Peter's misery was hilarious, and the predictable plot of this romantic comedy didn't strike me as silly, which was a welcome departure from the standard. Even Mila Kunis was okay. It was quite a relaxed movie that gave me a few chuckles, keeping me entertained without resorting to cringe-worthy jokes, with only a few exceptions. I even found myself forgiving the creators for some traditional clichés as the movie put me in a really good mood. / Lesson learned: Feeling down? Consider going diving with sharks.


Euphoria - Made You Look (2019) (episode) 

English The episode had its interesting and uninteresting moments, with my slightly above-average rating reflecting how much I enjoyed it. I'm still struggling to relate to the protagonist and her drug-related issues, though.


IT Crowd - Something Happened (2010) (episode) 

English This seems to be the weakest episode of the series thus far. It's not like I didn't crack a smile here and there, but I was accustomed to the basement dwellers at Reynholm Industries making me roll on the floor laughing. This time around, it felt like a watered-down version. Lesson learned: If you wait twenty years with certain accusations, you will become a celebrity.


Euphoria - Stuntin' Like My Daddy (2019) (episode) 

English A noticeable improvement over the pilot episode. I wasn't bored; in fact, I found myself oddly entertained. As much as you can be entertained in a place where you'd rather not be, holding your breath just in case and pressing your back against the wall the whole time. This glimpse into the life of the younger generation sure was a depressing one. The fact that the most likable character is a drug dealer speaks volumes... / Lesson learned: Are you over twenty-five? Congratulations! You've already navigated the worst of it.


Texas Killing Fields (2011) 

English I was hoping for an atmospheric, dark crime thriller, but it seems the creators had other plans. They managed to partially bore me and partially annoy me with those scenes of the Texas police force at work. The film failed to entertain, thanks to the protagonists trying to solve the crime on their own and failing at it. Even when they teamed up. The police work depicted here was simply pathetic. The toughest guy vanished from the storyline so seamlessly that nobody even bothered looking for him. Frankly, I soon lost interest and didn't even care about the outcome. Now, I'm left wondering – what was the outcome?


Midnight in Paris (2011) 

English I've noticed that Woody Allen's films tend to be more enjoyable for me when their neurotic author doesn't make an appearance. In this case, Owen Wilson's portrayal of Gil evoked too much of Allen's essence for my liking. The romantic entanglements and the trajectory of relationships in the storyline weren't particularly challenging to decipher. The only thing left was time travel, which didn't do it for me this time around. Personally, I've never felt the desire to visit Paris; perhaps because it's surrounded by France and predominantly inhabited by the French, a combination that doesn't quite resonate with me. And I didn't even know that I could experience guillotining or a plague epidemic there if I chose the right kind of transport at midnight. / Lesson learned: Reminiscing can be nice, but there's a limit.


IT Crowd - The Final Countdown (2010) (episode) 

English I couldn't quite bring myself to give this episode five stars. It had its funny moments, no doubt, but I felt like the creators fell short of hitting the show's peak in this one. I appreciate the effort, especially with Roy's hilarious attempt to prove he's more than just a window cleaner, and Moss/Word being hilariously demonic at Countdown. However, it seemed like everyone was kind of doing their own thing, and I missed the team spirit. / Lesson learned: Keep thermal underwear handy, just in case.


IT Crowd - Jen the Fredo (2010) (episode) 

English The kickoff to the fourth season wasn't bad, although I have to admit there were a few moments where things seemed to slow down a bit. Jen adjusted to her new role surprisingly fast despite her initial shock. However, Moss stole the spotlight this time, whether as an amateur psychologist or Cave Master. Douglas Reynholm's storyline was also hilarious. / Lesson learned: If someone gives you an award, let's just hope it doesn't look like an 'Ice-Cream Man'.