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Reviews (7,561)


Euphoria - '03 Bonnie and Clyde (2019) (episode) 

English The last episode elevated the adventures of American teenagers to a new level for me, which still holds in this one. This time around, I found Rue's character more bearable. It might have something to do with her being clean. / Lesson learned: Never tell anyone about it.


Up in the Air (2009) 

English True, there were moments that seemed a bit forced, but overall, I found this movie quite enjoyable. It made me ponder a bit, yet at the same time, it's not a requirement as you can also just switch off your mind and relax. However, this film is far from mindless; if you pay attention, it has something to say. It avoids being cheaply pathetic, though there are moments that may lean in that direction, and it doesn't try to deceive the viewer with a contrived happy ending. Today, I genuinely enjoyed it, and the chemistry between George Clooney and Vera Farmiga significantly contributed to that. / Lesson learned: Sometimes it's genuinely challenging to keep both feet on the ground and not have your head in the clouds.


Employee of the Month (2004) 

English I'm scratching my head over why it was labeled as a comedy. After a more extensive analysis of what unfolded on screen, I had this wild notion that Jack, portrayed by Steve Zahn, was supposed to bring the humor. If that was the filmmakers' intention, it fell flat on me because I find these whiny characters extremely annoying. The plot didn't seem to go anywhere — I was bored throughout. Even the unexpected twist at the end, which earned praise from many viewers, left me scratching my head because it made no sense given the previous plot. It gave me the impression that Mitch Rouse missed his calling and he should have been an illusionist instead. / Lesson learned: In the moment of greatest triumph, you can experience the biggest disappointment.


IT Crowd (2006) (series) 

English I thoroughly enjoyed the TV series for three seasons, and while the fourth season didn't quite match up, I can't deny that I had an amazing time overall. The trio in the basement at Reynholm Industries really grew on me. My chuckles often escalated into full-blown laughter, a clear testament to the creators' excellent work. Beyond just entertainment, I gained some unexpected knowledge. Now, I know for a fact that you can't access the without a browser, and certain words are off-limits for a Google search. I also know what the internet looks like, and that it's stored in Big Ben. / Lesson learned: Don't be afraid of nerds, they're quite endearing.


IT Crowd - Season 4 (2010) (season) 

English The final season, unfortunately, didn't quite live up to the earlier ones. I could only give a five-star rating to episode four; the rest were lacking a certain something. Surprisingly, I even gave just three stars to two of them. It seemed like the creators hit a creative roadblock in the fourth season, and at times, it felt like I was watching a poorly executed improv show. / Lesson learned: The trick is to quite while you're still ahead, and that didn't quite happen here.


IT Crowd - Reynholm vs Reynholm (2010) (episode) 

English The finale missed the mark for me. It was bizarre how Roy and Moss practically vanished in the last episode of the series. The farewell to The IT Crowd happened in a courtroom setting, and it didn't even revolve much around the IT department, which felt strangely out of place. The one who stayed true to his character was Douglas Reynholm, and he did manage to entertain me. However, the episode as a whole didn't work very well, and felt like it belonged to a different series altogether. / Lesson learned: I wish I could see the whole Female Star Trek. :-)


Euphoria - Shook Ones Pt. II (2019) (episode) 

English I did not expect that I would rate any episode so high after having seen the pilot. This has been the best-handled and most engaging episode of the first season so far. The fact that the main "heroine" and narrator stayed clean really contributed to the plot, sparing me from any annoyance this time around. / Lesson learned: Have any of your embarrassing photos and videos leaked online? Try to top that with something even worse.


10 Items or Less (2006) 

English This film was just your typical, everyday story about two people meeting, not pretending to be something grander than a simple conversation. The creators let it unfold without diving into any romantic clichés or melodrama that's almost as essential in American movies as ketchup is for fries. So, I settled in and let the dialogue flow, appreciating that I didn't need a deep knowledge of philosophy to enjoy it. I liked the unpretentious tale of two vastly different people. Surprisingly, it worked for me because of its relaxed and human touch. You can also view this movie as a clash between real life and Morgan Freeman, with the latter easily winning on points, if not by knockout. / Lesson learned: Careful! Washing some vehicles might lead to a loss of their structural integrity.


The Bridge (1959) 

English Even on a second viewing, my initial rating remained unchanged. Not that the film is beyond critique, but in this instance, the content was more important than the form for me. Each part of the movie had its own strengths; the first half depicted a carefree life amidst the pervasive war, with some amusing scenes. The tone shifted in the second half, abandoning levity and humor. German introspection gave rise to a subtly powerful anti-war film, weaving together a narrative of unfortunate events, youthful zeal, and mass indoctrination leading to an inevitable outcome. While I have a keen interest in history, particularly war-related events, it's not to revel in the glory that war can offer — becoming a hero, showing bravery, and earning fame and respect. On the contrary, each historical fact reinforces my belief that war is an abomination, where ideals perish alongside the would-be heroes. War, from my perspective, is merely a mechanism for widespread death and mutilation, with those orchestrating it rarely facing the consequences in their bunkers. / Lesson learned: It's there in the film, you can't miss it.


IT Crowd - Bad Boys (2010) (episode) 

English The fifth episode turned out quite well. It didn't reach the quality of previous seasons, but I certainly wasn't disappointed. Douglas Reynholm's fake party shenanigans were a blast, and the virus-infected, browser-less laptop was hilarious. Admittedly, Roy and Moss rebelling against the system didn't amuse me that much, but the storyline had a surprise in store that made it all worthwhile:-) / Lesson learned: Have you got a virus? Seek early medication.