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Reviews (1,159)


Gnomeo and Juliet (2011) 

English I feel like the age of unsuccessful cartoons is beginning. Gnomeo and Juliet's punchline, while nice, is already a bit hackneyed. The presentation is different but boring. As a fairy tale nice, as a movie it lacks charisma. The characters aren't cute enough, there's a complete lack of funny lines, and even though it was quite short, I was bored.


Sex Story (2011) 

English Before you go see this movie, forget that Portman was in any Black Swan movies. :-) The combination of Natalie and Ashton is pretty awesome. But this time I was missing Kutcher's cuteness, which everyone criticizes so much and considers unprofessional. However, there were some really funny scenes here. I won't forget Natalie's pumpkin! I was also pleasantly surprised by the cast of supporting roles. One big, successful cliché.


The Happening (2008) 

English There's a movie… and it's about nothing… but then… Zooey Deschanel walks in… there's a movie… and it's about nothing… but it has its charm. A typical example.


Wild Child (2008) 

English This genre is underrated in our country because older men and tough women don't like teen movies. For teenage girls and sometimes boys this type of movie makes sense. That's why I'm a fan of this movie.


The Incredibly Sad Princess (1968) 

English The wonderful music sweeps all other flaws under the table. I like Helena quite a bit here, but I can't help thinking about what she’s turned into. And the little bit of the "modern" in the tale is something I really like.


The Princess with the Golden Star (1959) 

English I've always wanted a mouse fur coat and for the princess to come out of the TV and into my living room. I hope to have again that feeling of sitting in front of a fairy tale and thinking about nothing but her.


The Book of Eli (2010) 

English While having faith play the main role doesn’t bother me, I would have imagined it a little differently. I'm glad it wasn't just a simple-minded shooter, though. On the other hand, D. Washington was loaded with too much goodness. Not enough badass lines, cleverness, and conviction. But I still find it touching that he memorized the entire Bible.


How Do You Know (2010) 

English Actually, nothing got me except the pink sweatpants of various sizes. It was unnecessarily long and plotless. I knew from the beginning who was supposed to be Mr. Right, but I didn't really know if I wanted them to get together. Short on magic, funny lines, and charisma...


RRRrrrr !!! (2004) 

English A contradictory film. One part of my brain actually adores it, so the other part can't stop wondering how such crap could even get made... such brilliant crap.


Monahikoi typoi (2000) 

English I'm reevaluating after the third viewing. Either my sense of humor has changed or I've gone over the edge too, but I suddenly understood the film much more than I ever had before. And yes, there is something to it. Although I guess I'll have to grow up (or die) to call it a gem. 3.5 stars.