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Reviews (3,462)


ID:A (2011) 

English I’m glad that at least someone brings some prestige to my last name. Tuva Novotny is absolutely endearing in this movie. I mean, she is endearing wherever she appears, but here the ignorance and uncertainty associated with her memory loss made her into a complete baby. On top of that, she looked very pretty. The film is quite simple, to be honest. It begins with Tuva waking up in the rubble by the river and remembering nothing. Then she arrives in the nearest village, all dirty, sweaty and bloodied, and some French guy accommodates her, pours her a glass of Beaujolais and doesn’t ask any questions. If it were me, I’d call the cops, but I understand it had to be different for the film. And that’s not the only scene in the movie that felt like this. Still, it was pleasant to watch, even though it wasn’t the best film ever made. But Tuva raised it to another level.


Going the Distance (2010) 

English This romantic comedy has a huge charm to it. Especially since Justin and Drew really fell in love during the making of this film, so I didn’t have to force myself at all to believe their performances. Here it was simply clear from the first minute, when they drew attention to themselves with bright flashes in their eyes. And in the end, I had a really good time. It was obvious that the movie didn’t want to cater to mass tastes so at times it was harsh, crass and so on. But that that’s the beautiful thing about it, because life is exactly like that. On the other hand, it was a real pity that Justin had two great pals in this movie – Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day – but the creators just throw them aside without a moment’s hesitation. Even though that without them, the movie would have been only a half of what it was. Anyhow, it was a great movie, proving that love is love and that it emerges, perishes and develops in any form, and the usual clichés do not always apply. This is probably what I liked about it the most.


Cowboys & Aliens (2011) 

English I was really excited to see this, even despite the strange and incomprehensible story. I thought that nothing can be more surprising than a fight between the 19th century cowboys and aliens who decide to visit an arid town in the middle of the American prairie. Let’s face it, it was all a load of hogwash, but I must admit that I had fun. The actors were cool. Their performances were standard. Harrison Ford’s might have been a bit better. He’ll probably always be charismatic. In any case, the movie’s main currency were special effects – and the authors really put a lot of work into those. It’s true that the story starts getting insane halfway through, but I didn’t really mind that much. I enjoyed it and I think that at the cinema, this experience would’ve been on a whole new level.


The Villain (2009) Boo!

English From the very beginning, I was wondering what kind of clown there is on the screen, running and dodging bullets like that, with cars skidding in front of him and someone constantly firing an uzi at him. The whole movie was awful, awkward and stupid. I had it on as I was cleaning around and I was appalled at the sort of movies that get filmed nowadays. It was a complete farce, as if Chaplin appeared in a French movie. But Chaplin at least had a certain charm about him and he could make the viewer laugh. Dupontel just embarrassed himself with this one.


Twin Sisters (2002) 

English The war wrote a whole array of absurd stories, that’s general knowledge. And if it wasn’t, then movie stories and book stories alike would tell us all about it. One such story was told by the Netherlands in collaboration with Luxembourg. At first glance, Twin Sisters is an incredibly interesting story about twins who live fundamentally different lives as they’re separated by the era. The war atmosphere was great, but I was a bit disappointed not to have formed a significant relationship with any of the characters. It’s as if the movie was lacking feelings and emotions and that’s extremely bad for a war drama. In any case, I really liked the interconnectivity between the past and the present and if nothing else, I’m glad that movies about ordinary people living through a war still get filmed in Europe, because nowadays, it’s exactly those kinds of stories that can teach us a lot about humanity.


Tyrannosaur (2011) 

English Decent acting performances fitted into an emotional life story; all of that mixed into a raw British drama. It’s good in this case, but not quite as good to make it memorable like an array of other dramas are. I’m not even sure why.


Love (2011) 

English Claustrophobia might just be the movie’s main feature. So, it’s good that it’s not that long. It reminded me of a similar movie Moon a little bit; by its atmosphere, the background music, the story flow. This was a very interesting, original small-scale movie that was – in my opinion – executed as well as possible.


Once Upon a Time in Phuket (2011) 

English Once Upon a Time in Phuket is an incredibly nice comedy. The entire premise might be absolutely classic and not really differentiated from an array of other romcoms, but in my opinion, the execution definitely deserves five stars; thanks to the movie characters, thanks to the actors, the atmosphere and the environment. An amazing movie that served its purpose – it lifted my spirits.


Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning (2012) 

English I don’t know any other movie saga that got its ass kicked as much as Universal Soldier did. The first movie was a decent sci-fi and, in turn, the second movie was an awful sci-fi. The third one was movie garbage that was getting completely off its tracks. And the fourth movie? That movie must have been made in some other galaxy. I haven’t seen such a weird, psychedelic and freaky movie in a long time. Van Damme and Lundgren are playing second fiddle in this movie, as expected. They passed the baton to Adkins and Arlovski who did a really great job. In any case, the story was absolutely otherworldly, just like the execution. The hallucinogenic effects started to kick in in the fourth of the movie already as the screen started flickering a lot and I thought that my head was about to explode. Everything was very absurd, but on the other hand, all of the scenes had an incredible charm that almost hypnotized me and put me in limbo. I think that David Lynch would enjoy this movie a lot. The cherry on top was the movie’s story flow that looks like it’s from a computer game. At first, Adkins doesn’t know what’s going on, then he does and by the end, he enjoys a completely amazing action scene as he first gets ambushed by Dolph Lundgren and then Jean Claude Van Damme, too. I wasn’t getting it and I didn’t even get it in the end, but the action scenes were really fun. I consider Scott Adkins the ace of contemporary action movies and I hope that he gets more opportunities, maybe even in bigger, commercial projects.


What's Cooking? (2000) 

English Once you turn the TV on and there’s a movie about four completely different families in America in which they are getting ready for Thanksgiving in their own ways and so there’s some proper food on the screen every now and then, there’s no hesitation. Especially when you love food. White people, Black people, Latinos and Vietnamese people prepare tons of really mouth-watering food, all while an inconspicuous story’s going on in the background, connecting all four families. It was nice. I really wanted to eat all that food off the screen. I’ve probably never wished more for that TV remote that I’ve been dreaming of in my childhood and that would materialize everything I see on the TV.