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Reviews (7,691)


Orange Is the New Black - Season 6 (2018) (season) 

English As I said in my review of the thirteenth episode, it would be great if it was the season finale. Now there is a risk of Season 7 ruining the rest of what makes the series great. If replacing characters with new ones was supposed to revive the story, I can honestly say it failed to do so. With the exception of the crazy sisters, the flashbacks involved characters I couldn’t care less about, so it felt like a waste of time. Unfortunately, it turned out that quality retrospective scenes and the sacrificed characters were more important for the story than I’d thought.


Orange Is the New Black - Be Free (2018) (episode) 

English The finale of the sixth season left me feeling pretty disappointed. Episode thirteen would've been a perfect ending, but now I'm worried they'll drag things out until the bitter end in season seven. It's a shame that the outcome of Taystee's trial didn't make me feel anything. Honestly, I don't think there was any other possible outcome that today's audience would have found acceptable.


Orange Is the New Black - Double Trouble (2018) (episode) 

English The last episode felt more put together, whereas this one was a bit like a patchwork quilt. Still, it wasn't a total flop. Caputo's motivational speech rubbed me the wrong way, but that's on me. Those kinds of speeches always dredge up some unpleasant memories for me.


Orange Is the New Black - Well This Took a Dark Turn (2018) (episode) 

English The creators really stepped up their game, surpassing the standard set by the rest of the season. The plot was engaging, things moved along at a decent pace, and I didn't feel like I wasted an hour of my life.


Orange Is the New Black - Chocolate Chip Nookie (2018) (episode) 

English While Daddy's storyline didn't grab me in previous episodes (and I'm sure the creators will revisit it), the retrospective with Carol and Barbara was spot-on. It was the only thing that really held my attention in this episode. Well, that and the Caputo/Figueroa duo, who never fail to entertain me. They're a guarantee.


Orange Is the New Black - Break the String (2018) (episode) 

English I've watched and rated my fair share of series, and yet, I still fell for it again — thinking the creators had finally found their groove. But the ninth episode was another letdown. The pace was sluggish, the humor was lacking, and the plot just didn't quite convince me.


Orange Is the New Black - Gordons (2018) (episode) 

English Looks like the creators hit their stride halfway through the season. There were moments where I felt like they were trying to recapture the quality of the first two seasons. Overall, I had a pretty good time.


Orange Is the New Black - Changing Winds (2018) (episode) 

English Finally, I could bump up the rating! After three lackluster episodes, we got a pretty entertaining one. The creators got back to focusing on the story, injecting some humor back into the mix. It's about time!


Orange Is the New Black - State of the Uterus (2018) (episode) 

English Looks like a pretty lackluster and repetitive season. Another episode that failed to deliver any standout moments. Sure, there might be some coprophiliacs among viewers and they might have enjoyed it, but personally, I could've done with a bit more humor.


Orange Is the New Black - Mischief Mischief (2018) (episode) 

English It's tough to find new words when the fifth episode is pretty much on par with the last one. The plot's still solid, definitely better than a lot of other series out there, especially for a sixth season. But it's missing that extra dose of quality humor for me to bump it up to a four-star rating, which is a shame.