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Reviews (7,554)


Victoria - The White Elephant (2019) (episode) 

English This episode did a great job of dialing back on the overflowing side storylines, yet it kept a good pace. I really enjoyed it, especially since I was looking forward to the world exhibition. Once again, the creators showed they know how to set the stage for the next season.


Victoria - A Public Inconvenience (2019) (episode) 

English The tension around the Greek incident and Wellington's decision adds a solid political backdrop to this episode, but the real highlight is how Prince Albert's decisive action truly shaped history. I loved that the creators steered clear of unnecessary romanticism, keeping the focus sharp and impactful.


Victoria - A Coburg Quartet (2019) (episode) 

English I enjoyed the sixth episode because it pretended to steer clear of politics, only to reveal that politics isn’t just about intimate connections at fancy balls. The only thing that bugged me was the overly dramatic evil character straight out of a soap opera. It feels like no one can get rid of her, and even if she died, she’d probably stick around Windsor as a poltergeist.


Victoria - A Show of Unity (2019) (episode) 

English I'm usually more into the political drama, but the trip to Ireland and the stay at Lord Palmerston's estate didn't disappoint either. The new private tutor was a fun addition, and I'm still curious about Abigail Turner's ethnic background.


Victoria - Foreign Bodies (2019) (episode) 

English The marital conversations had me laughing and contrasted nicely with the rest of the episode, where the creators nailed a really unsettling atmosphere. It's amazing how an epidemic can amp up the tension when paired with a well-written script.


Victoria - Et in Arcadia (2019) (episode) 

English Exile on the Isle of Wight didn’t exactly thrill me. The political drama took a backseat, and the romance aspect came to the forefront. Princess Feodora felt like a classic antagonist straight out of a South American soap opera. Three stars feel just about right for this one.


Victoria - London Bridge Is Falling Down (2019) (episode) 

English The second episode picked up right where the first left off. Since the black activist already got on my nerves last time, I decided to just tune him out this time. Doing that, I found myself enjoying the episode more, so I'm sticking with my three-star rating.


Victoria - Uneasy Lies the Head That Wears the Crown (2019) (episode) 

English I docked a star due to historical inaccuracies stemming from political correctness. I get that the Brits are becoming sensitive, but a black person leading a political movement in 1848!? I don't need this nonsense. If this trend continues, we'll soon have a brilliant surgeon in the series, followed by the first politically active transgender character.


Marianne (2019) (series) 

English I’ve never made it a secret that I wasn’t particularly fond of French films and series, but sometimes even French filmmakers shine so brightly that I have to give them credit, which was exactly the case of Marianne. I enjoyed the grim, oppressive atmosphere, decent suspense and well-written story. I really didn't expect a horror series (let alone a French one) to be so entertaining. I was expecting something borderline retarded, of which there are so many examples everywhere these days. I was greatly satisfied.


Marianne - Tuesday (2019) (episode) 

English The final episode wasn't half bad, but the creators have definitely shown they're capable of more. Despite a few minor gripes, I found the conclusion satisfying. Plus, it reinforced the notion for me that priests, besides having a liking for little boys, also seem to have a peculiar fascination with fire. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?