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Psycho-Pass 2nd season

As I could read, a lot of people don't like it.

I DO understand.

There will be soon a movie but I assume that....because of Psycho-pass popularity in Japan, they released the 2nd season. 

I read that someone didn't like the main protagonist Tsunemori Akane at the beginning of the very story.

She is special and when she joins the others she brings there a warm and friendly atmosphere. I don't have to say that her CV Hanazawa Kanna did a great job.

In the second season she got more serious and she usually recalls Kougami's advices and thinks what he would do in this kind of situation. I actually thought that he has died because the 2nd season was the first one I have seen...

More annoying is the new inspector Shimotsuki Mika, she found some kind of ideal which is not the same like with Tsunemori. You could also see the change (to good maybe) of Ginoza Nobuchika (CV Nojima Kenji), he finds Shimotsuki silly sometimes.

I didn't care about him very much but I am now in the middle of the 1st season and I have to say. He has become my favoritest character of this story...


And lets get to Kamui Kirito. 

He must be very young...I am still very confused about his actions and thoughts but he wanted to change the society somehow.(I need to re-watch it)

He trusted that because Tsunemori is special, she would understand him...Unfortunately.

I still don't want to expose a lot and I watch it only in original audio so of course I cannot understand every word but still.

Kamui was very calm regardless of his actions. Maybe the calmness you can feel throught of the CV Kimura Ryouhei. 


And then there is that motherf*cker.....Enforcer Togane Sakuya...

If somebody likes him then I admire those people. 

Well then let me watch the rest and I will report soon.


Thank you. 


Psycho-Pass 2nd season

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