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Reviews (10,817)


Great Expectations (2012) 

English I can't help it, but I just didn't enjoy this one. Sure, on the one hand, it's because I'm not particularly fond of Dickens and his stories, but on the other hand, I feel like the potential of individual actors wasn't fully utilized, and it's a film that looks nice, has good costumes, but there's just not much substance underneath.


Great Balls of Fire! (1989) 

English Dennis Quaid didn't deliver a better performance anywhere else, and Winona Ryder has never been cuter and more vulnerable. They both carry this film, which is somewhat straightforward in its plot, and it's clear what to expect from it. Glory, downfall, and trouble. But it just has a fantastic sound and drive. Yeah, well, obviously I love rock 'n' roll.


Going My Way (1944) 

English I thought Bing Crosby was a musician who dabbled in acting because he had a great voice. But the movie Going My Way shows how good of an actor he was and deserves all recognition for this film because he delivered a truly unique, nuanced performance that left me in awe, both of him and the entire story.


Blood and Sand (1941) 

English The story didn't captivate me, which is simply because I'm not particularly fond of bullfighters and bullfighting, but neither did the characters engage me. I felt like they were all rather unpleasant, and they didn't hold my interest. In the end, the only thing I really liked was the last shot in the whole film, which was very good.


Goethe! (2010) 

English A biographical film, yet I still had the feeling that it was a kind of sweet attempt to bring a classic to contemporary people and to teach someone among the youth, who may not read much, that someone like Goethe existed, and that he was actually quite an interesting guy worth taking an interest in, along with his work. I'm not sure the movie accomplished this, because it didn't entertain that much.


Goemon (2009) 

English A nice example of how to shoot a historical epic in a grand and visually striking way, with a fairly nice emphasis on the image and scenes that can captivate you at first glance. At the same time, it is quite harsh and there are some emotions involved. It might seem like an empty spectacle at times, but it actually works quite well.


God Bless Ozzy Osbourne (2011) 

English Whether or not you like Ozzy Osbourne, this look at his life is pretty honest, and the singer isn't afraid to reminisce about a time when he was truly useless. He does look a bit haggard even in the actual footage at the time, but you can see he's quite sober. He's not iconic to me, but as a personality he's interesting.


Linda and Abilene (1969) 

English Linda and Abeline isn't a major standout in Herschell Gordon Lewis's career, but it's another attempt by him to come up with something that will be explicit in a certain way. Herschell finally decided to do something more explicit, but more on that next time. Linda and Abeline is beautiful to a degree in its naivety and silliness, but it simply doesn't have much to say, not even with the twist that's awaited for too long.


Go West (1925) 

English I always liked Buster Keaton, not so much because he was exceptionally funny, but because he managed to incorporate stunts in his films that are absolutely incredible from today's perspective. His running on the roof of a moving train is simply awesome and still impressive ninety years later. Just like his work with animals. He was crazy, but thanks for that.


Adventures of Sinbad (1962) 

English Sinbad in the old manga version? This seems quite interesting and actually it's not even so strange in the end, even though Sindbad in this drawing just looks oddly softened, which has been associated with him for a long time, because even in Disney's version, he's somewhat feminine. But fantasy isn't lacking in the picture, which adds to it.