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Reviews (1,869)


Walking with Dinosaurs 3D (2013) 

English Walking with Dinosaurs is a film with breathtaking effects on par with Jurassic Park and the BBC documentaries, but the story is prosaic, due to the fact that it is primarily intended for a younger and less demanding audience. Still, I was amused by some of the one-liners, so I can't say it was a complete failure script-wise. This is another film that chose the popular journey of these formidable creatures from A to B, so I especially enjoyed the visuals, which were really top-notch. All in all, an enjoyable and simple diversion that's fine to watch and doesn't require any unnecessary thinking.


Plan B (2009) 

English Plan B is, as far as the story is concerned, a kind of a prequel to Hawaii by the same director and with the same actor in one of the main roles, but it is such a preparatory phase that I was not satisfied with the result as I was with the Hawaii. The premise is very similar, except there are more characters interfering with the story, but the beating around the bush is very apparent in this case. At times the behavior of the characters was kind of confused, which of course it’s how it should be, but it just felt more than understandable at times.


Metamorphosis (2012) 

English A very imaginative and interesting short film that playfully works with the theme of metamorphosis. I was a bit lost at first, but the ending was very surprising. In short, in a word - captivating


The Railway Man (2013) 

English The Railway Man is a film whose mainstays are the central trio of actors and a story inspired by true events. Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman are good actors, I've seen that many times before, and for me the unknown Jeremy Irvine was a pleasant surprise. The story is a powerfully evocative drama that, as they say, only life itself could have written. A man struggling to come to terms with the demons of his past, on a quest for peace of mind, accompanied on this journey by a woman who is his support. I liked the layering of the story, mixing passages from the 40s and 80s, and the transitions felt completely natural, so I didn't get lost as a viewer. In short, a modest film at first glance, supported by a strong story and ensemble cast


Absent (2011) 

English Absent impresses with its premise, which has been seen several times before, but here its setting in a school raises certain expectations (at least on my part). The main stumbling block, however, is the scenes that feel disjointed or are oddly constructed. The soundtrack may fit the thriller genre, but it was not at all appropriate for this film, as the music and the nature of the scenes were often very much at odds. As I said, the story wasn't that bad, they resorted to a sudden break towards the end, but the very end could have been better


Man of Steel (2013) 

English Finally! Finally, the first concept of Superman in which the main character doesn't have his red briefs awkwardly pulled over his suit and wear something resembling a pig tail on his forehead. Overall, this movie is very different from previous adaptations of the comic, which I liked a lot as a result. Henry Cavill is a likeable representation of the Man of Steel, Amy Adams a charming and single-minded journalist, and Michael Shannon a properly sleazy embodiment of the main antagonist, by which I mean I was pleased with the cast. Technically I have nothing to fault, although they may have gone over the top a bit at the end in terms of destruction, but that was obviously the intention. In short, a cinematic take on Superman that certainly doesn't put its predecessors to shame, and even stands up to them


Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013) 

English The first Percy Jackson was a kind of a light-hearted American family fantasy flick that I liked and I was quite impressed with. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the second, as I found it too commercial and focused on a lot of wannabe funny scenes and moments that didn't entertain me as much as they probably originally intended. The rehashing of Greek myths, which was touched upon by a number of users here, also bothered me quite a bit in the end. In short, a film that will probably entertain younger audiences and undemanding fantasy fans the most.


Hawaii (2013) 

English Hawaii is in many ways a very minimalist film, as it is confined to a small space in which (except for a few scenes) virtually only two characters are featured, and rather than dialogue, the camera's views of the protagonists are in the foreground. Some say it was boring, but I was impressed by the film's modesty, slowness and shyness. A nice Argentinian surprise in the form of a film whose plot flows slowly to a satisfying conclusion


Never Wipe Tears Without Gloves (2012) (series) 

English Never Dry Your Tears without Gloves is the loosely translated title of a very fine Swedish miniseries that tackles a rewarding subject for a TV show. It deals mainly with sexuality and interpersonal relationships, at a time when a completely new and unknown disease has begun to spread through the world and is killing mercilessly. I liked the layering of multiple space-time planes on top of each other, and I found it quite easy to transition between them, and I was able to keep my attention as a viewer and not get lost. The best part was the final part where everything started to come to an inevitable end, so it was also the most emotionally powerful part. In short, a very well made miniseries that impressed me both in its theme and in its execution


Dallas Buyers Club (2013) 

English Dallas Buyers Club is a film whose main pillars are the subject based on a true story and very good performances of both leading actors, Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto. Both of them have taken their roles conscientiously and their performances are convincing, so I am not at all surprised that both of them got the Academy Award. I must also commend the work of the make-up artists, who did an excellent job. I was slightly bored at a few moments, but otherwise the plot was very tight and consistent