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Reviews (2,468)


Ashes and Diamonds (1958) 

English Ashes and Diamonds is a very well made film for its time, and is not lacking in action, interesting historical realities, and excellent performances (especially Zbigniew Cybulski). Along with historical events, the film deals with the question of morality and future prospects, which do not let the main character sleep, but even though he tries to resist everything, he has to settle for defeat. In short, a film that manages to captivate even today thanks to its timeless execution.


The Round-Up (1966) 

English I would describe The Round-Up as a fairly authentic reconstruction of historical events that you have no idea about, but on the other hand it's an incredibly soporific and tedious film that lacks any action or build-up except in a few places, which isn't always a bad thing, but in this case it was spot on. In short, a film that rather tediously highlights a history that hasn't always been rosy.


Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) 

English Having never seen the original trilogy, I didn't know what to expect from Mad Max: Fury Road and I can say one thing: I really didn't expect this! What's this all about? The absolutely ultimate action flick, one that has balls and isn't afraid to do it. It's basically one long and briskly shot clip crammed with so much action that you get it in almost indigestible bites, but I personally enjoyed it royally, even though the story was quite simple and sketchy. At times I found it really MAD, so the title of the film is definitely not misleading. One big chase where anything goes, with a plethora of characters ranging from bad-ass oddballs to sheer freaks that won't let you sleep for a while. In short, utter madness and an audiovisual orgy in one that grabs you right at the start, only to eviscerate you like some kind of scum at the end, but satisfaction is in order nonetheless.


Mort d'un cycliste (1955) 

English Death of a Cyclist is a film that excels in both narrative and technical terms. In terms of the storyline, it is a very well constructed psychological drama that raises the issue of guilt and remorse, which each of the main characters deals with in their own way. The performances are excellent, the actors don't push the envelope and it doesn't come across as too artificial or cheesy. On the technical side, I must highlight the camera work and depth of field, which is handled to perfection here. In short, a film that is definitely worth watching notwithstanding the year it was made.


Subway (1985) 

English Subway could be considered a textbook example of French neo-baroque in film, as it exhibits almost all the characteristic features of this artistic movement. The film comes across as one long and very colourful clip, in which we are introduced to bizarre characters for whom harsh words and hits of violence are the order of the day, while the plot is, as the title suggests, set in a subway, which creates the strange atmosphere of a convoluted maze in which different characters pass by to confront each other, all with a haunting musical score. In short, a solid and brisk film that I can highly recommend.


The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) 

English An unconventionally made film for its time, reveling in a large number of details of completely unvarnished faces to further emphasize the suffering and hopelessness of the situation depicted. The Passion of Joan of Arc is a timeless film that can appeal to today's viewer, thanks in particular to the cinematography and the excellent acting of Maria Falconetti. One of the jewels of the silent era of cinema, which still commands respect in today's over-modernised and digitised age.


The Seashell and the Clergyman (1928) 

English This 30-minute excursion into the twisted soul and thoughts of a lecherous priest who lusts after a general's wife is a very graphic example of a film from the French film impressionism era. The abundance of visual effects and the emphasis on capturing the moment in the form of impressions make The Seashell and the Clergyman an exemplary work of its time that deserves attention, even if it didn't capture my full interest as a viewer. In short, a film that is historically and artistically worthy while being bound to a fairly limited audience.


Citizen Kane (1941) 

English Citizen Kane is undoubtedly one of the gems of world cinema, and even though I am not giving it a full score, because I have seen (subjectively speaking) better films from the last century, it still deserves my admiration. From a technical point of view, this film is really well made, and there's probably no point in mentioning here the work with space, depth of field or cinematography - suffice it to say that in this respect Citizen Kane is a progressive film. As far as the plot is concerned, it is a very well-written story, told from multiple perspectives and inviting the viewer to take an active part in deciphering the mysterious word "rosebud". In short, a gem of world cinema, where perhaps only the running time and the expectation of something (relatively) perfect prevents me from giving it a full score.


Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors (1964) 

English I always have a perception problem with poetic films, which may (or may not) be reflected in the rating, but Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors failed to win me over as a viewer. The cinematography and the scenes depicted are indeed beautiful and colourfully stylised, but that's about all that appealed to me about it. To be honest, I don't even know what to write about the film, because nothing has stayed in my head. In short, from a historical and artistic point of view, it is undoubtedly an unforgettable piece of filmmaking, but despite its qualities it did not impress me.


Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960) 

English One of the prime examples of the British New Cinema movement, it features many of the characteristic elements of films of the era: a young working class rebel in the lead role, trying to stand up to a society he clearly despises, all without a bit of violence or strong language. As a result, I wasn't too impressed with it; to be honest, I rather took it as a textbook example of British “new wave”. In short, one of many films that, despite its value, went beyond my viewing horizons.