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Reviews (2,275)


Free Solo (2018) 

English Visually captivating rock climbing. It’s brilliant how they hook the viewer, with the likeable protagonist managing to come across as a nice guy, but also as an incomprehensible fool. Beltrami's music is perfect.


Once Upon A Deadpool (2018) 

English I had to take one star away for the missing swear words, and another for the missing blood. The new scenes with Savage work excellently and changing his one-liners was a super idea - some of them seemed better than in the original cut.


Rambo: Last Blood (2019) 

English I gave this a slightly higher rating because it’s just the kind of film you make a daughter watch if she refuses to do what she’s told… This brutal Rambo epilogue has a long, unsurprising exposition, a classic western structure and an aging legend that can still deliver the goods. Direct, hard-hitting. The climax in John’s tunnel of surprises is really bloody and the annihilation of the evil Mexicans is heartwarming... Hehehe.


The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (2018) 

English Gilliam finally finished the project that once almost destroyed him. Great acting, although I found Depp more convincing than Driver. Pryce is classic in his delivery and I don’t know which of the femme fatales is more beautiful. Ironic references to the previous production, a fantastic climax and wonderful music. But I still can’t shake the feeling that the first version would have been better if they had managed to complete it. On the other hand, we would have been denied that depressing and devastating documentary about it.


The Mandalorian - Chapter 4: Sanctuary (2019) (episode) 

English With this performance, Baby Yoda is bound to have a spin-off. In terms of concept, it’s beginning to remind me of Firefly. Flying this way and that, dealing with problems western style. Episode four borrows heavily from the Magnificent Seven. The great AT-ST action, warrior training and humorous interludes with the baby all score an A grade. Favreau is a blessing for Star Wars.


Full Contact (1992) 

English A Hong Kong fight movie full of freaky characters (the bothersome nymphomaniac, Virgin, and the gay bad guy who would most like to get the hero into bed) that draws you in despite its average story. Ringo Lam pays his respects to the American B-movie and bathes it in blood. Chow Yun-Fat gives an unbelievable performance. A blues guitar enchantingly roars and bullets ricochet just as the hero needs. Add to that some one-liners and a lethal woman, and you're all set. "Doing business is like taking a shit; it has to go smoothly."


The Irishman (2019) 

English An unbelievably complex guide to the life of a person who has outlived everybody and is settling accounts of his life as the end draws near. The crème of the acting profession came together to film the long-postponed project I Heard You Paint Houses, led by the director eminently best suited to the task. Pacino gives a masterful performance as union boss Jimmy Hoffa, but Pesci’s return is a blessing for the entire film. The nuances, the faint hints, the one-liners delivered with zest… This is going to score a lot of Oscars. The digital effects are not perfect, but only seem to do harm to De Niro’s performance. But after a while you stop noticing. It’s such a good story. Definitely the film of the year. I chose us over him.


Mr. Robot - 407 Proxy Authentication Required (2019) (episode) 

English An episode of a series conceived as a play with five acts with a stoned dealer, a psychologically unstable hacker, his imaginary father and a psychiatrist who is playing for her dear life. All of the characters go through incredible development and you end up understanding Vera in the finale... and that is the scariest thing about this.


For All Mankind - Nixon's Women (2019) (episode) 

English The best episode so far. Strongly feminist, but the girls are chosen excellently. They are much more than just pretty faces. Sarah Jones rocks. The finale works with secrecy and it works excellently. The results of the accident seem worse when we don’t see it, but just have to imagine it.


Watchmen - Little Fear of Lightning (2019) (episode) 

English A lot of the wheels have now definitely fallen into place. The flashback to 1985 sets the pace and doesn't falter. The Mirror steals the whole episode, and the scenes with Adrian finally get a payoff that was worth the wait.