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Reviews (2,274)


X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) 

English Wolverine had a lot of potential but unfortunately it remained almost untapped. As I feared, most of Wolvie's fascinating life was shown in the opening titles (World War I and II, Vietnam), and then we go straight back to when he served under Stryker. Which means those who wanted to know more about Wolverine's past are out of luck. But when you accept the game started by the screenplay, you'll have fun. Hugh Jackman was born for this role, and he certainly doesn't have to be ashamed of what he's doing here. The charming killer will hopefully win the heart of every viewer. The story is otherwise devoted to the creation of the X and XI programs, so there will be eye-pleasing showdowns, wisecracks, and also fateful moments when we will find out what actually happened. It could have been done better but I still had fun. Thanks to Ryan Reynolds, I'm really looking forward to Deadpool's solo. Oh yes, I almost forgot, Victor Creed is Schreiber's role of a lifetime.


Knowing (2009) 

English You know those movies that have a brilliant theme but kind of a stupid screenplay? Well, this is one of them. Luckily, Proyas is such an expert that he brings absolutely everything to really important scenes. The disasters that happen are each more delicious than the last and are filmed in such a way that you won't know which one you liked better. Cage kind of pissed me off that he stole such a good movie from someone who isn’t going through a bad acting period (though he tried quite hard here) and I was wondering why not try to cast Kiefer Sutherland or Tom Hanks? Mainly, it would have been better to re-cast the screenwriters. However, at the end I was fully absorbed and I was just watching to see what the hell was going on. Atmospheric science fiction which brings one possible answer to the basic question: "Why?".


Terminator Salvation (2009) 

English Arnold is back (for a while) Arnold is back (for a while), although in a quite different movie this time. Salvation has little to do with the original trilogy, well… other than being a sequel to it. But the real powerhouse turned out to be Cameron's dark horse Sam Worthington as Marcus. He’s the only one who moves the main storyline forward. The rest is just filler until what's about to happen happens. I also believe that Bale was only given the role of Connor because he comes across good and leader-like and can create a depressing atmosphere with his hoarse voice. By the way, I barely noticed Bryce Dallas Howard. McG shot an impressive action sci-fi (with robots from Sam Winston's mind), but it can’t touch the Terminator saga. Maybe because I realized this from the beginning, I kind of enjoyed this fourth part.


Speak (2004) 

English A brilliantly made "little" film that is elevated by the performances. Kristen Stewart gave believability to the whole film and I think that's the main thing in this kind of dramas.


Yes Man (2008) 

English Too optimistic for my taste, but I had quite a lot of fun watching. And Zooey Deschanel is incredibly cute. Oh, and Carrey is getting on a bit now; you can see it more on his rubber mug more than on ordinary ones.


Carlito's Way (1993) 

English A great old-school gangster movie where Pacino once again gives his best. His Carlito walks the line between a principled cool guy and a cold-blooded killer, so you just have to fall in love with him. Already the opening monologue grabs you by the heart. Slick and slimy Sean Penn was also great, and I now know who the model was for Ken Rosenberg from GTA: Vice City. De Palma plays with the camera, as is his tradition, especially in the final chase scene, which only confirms his directorial skills.


Fast and Furious 4 (2009) 

English Qualitatively on the same level as the first one. Diesel smoothly returns to the role of the ultimate road pro, which, whether we like it or not, was the pinnacle of his career. Paul Walker in the meantime has grown to become the second ultimate pro (remember Running Scared?) and this shows in the movie. This movie is more about revenge and restoring old ties than it is about cars, but it certainly isn’t a problem. Given where the series was recently headed, this is a pleasant return to its roots, and as far as I’m concerned, I'd be happy to hang out with this group a third time round.


Push (2009) 

English This movie has its good moments, but overall it is on the weaker side of what has come out of the mutant genre. The story has more twists than a pretzel, not to mention occasional jumps into the past (the glass of beer and the toothbrush) and variously predicted futures. Luckily a really interesting group of actors comes together here and apart from that guy Evans, we occasionally see a drunk and very striking Dakota Fanning. These two spend the whole picture reeling off wisecracks and you can see that they really hit it off together. And I could watch Camilla Belle in any movie whenever you like. An extra star for the marvelous shots of Hong Kong. A high 3.


International (2009) 

English Wonderful shots of all sorts of things without any screenplay worth speaking of. What surprised me most is that they managed to talk both Clive Owen and Naomi Watts into doing this, because this dumb, over-combined movie simply doesn’t deserve them. If it weren’t for the actors, Tykwer’s eye for captivating shots and the untraditional music, The International would be slopping around in international waste waters.


The Boondock Saints (1999) 

English An inventive screenplay and direction from Duffy (the ingeniously written scene with the reconstruction of the shoot-out) that any would-be action director would have been proud of. Excellent acting performances both by the main two or the directing Willem Dafoe give the movie an inimitable atmosphere. I hope that Troy Duffy gets enough dough for part two so that the Saints can pull out all the stops again. And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris. Et Filii. Et Spiritus Sancti.