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Reviews (2,274)


The Lone Ranger (2013) 

English The Bruckheimer filters rather spoil the otherwise convincing western atmosphere served up to us so successfully by Verbinski. The struggle with this childish, sometimes infantile and senile (the narrator forgets to tell us all the details because he’s an old, crazy grampa) story is uphill. Good ideas here and there and the absolutely amazing train chase save the reputation of this movie. Hammer doesn’t stand out, Depp doesn’t disappoint and the only performance rally worth remembering is William Fichtner as an unscrupulous bad guy who laughs through his teeth. Zimmer’s music is again the tops and you can tell that he really enjoyed doing this movie.


Wreck-It Ralph (2012) 

English A first-rate fairytale spiced up with a video game setting. It made me nostalgic for my video game days and I won't hesitate to watch it again.


Gravity (2013) 

English Oxygen level 1%. A nerve-racking space ride that redefines the boundaries of the genre. Especially with its visual style. Cuarón is a master of choreography, a whole damn lot is happening on the screen at once and, in combination with the sound (especially Price’s music), the visuals make this one of the top space adventure movies we have seen this year or maybe ever. Sandra acts well and quite comfortably carries the movie on her shoulders, but Clooney is the real charmer here. There are a few weaker moments, but for a classically structured survival thriller, this time against mother nature and the emptiness of the space. Literally breathtaking.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013) (series) 

English Pilot: The first series this year that I didn’t find utterly disappointing. The combination of Whedon’s playfulness and Marvel fun works again. We haven’t got to know the characters much, but in any case Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. looks better than most of today’s hurried competing series. Let’s hope it lasts. The plot isn’t so surprising or original (even though I thought that about Luke Cage), but it works for the introductions. The ending with Lola was enjoyable and I hope at least for a Cameo by the Capo or by Fury. Season one: What the...? I haven’t seen such an erratically made series in a long time. The middle part was just stuffing made up of regurgitated missions that disappointed fans and forced the creators to try harder and to hire better screenwriters. The turning point comes with the second Capo who completely rehashed everything we are used to and who makes the show about 50% better watching (adding up to today’s 67%) and serves us up some marvelous B-movie action with outrageously cheesy lines and frequent over-acting that reaches an extreme in the last episode. The effort put into going somewhere with the concept and having a second season approved is visible. That’s why it has begun to be very powerful. I had shivers down my spine during the last scene, so maybe it’s a god omen for the episodes to come.Season two: doesn’t play about and offers the best undemanding entertainment on TV. The Hydra and the Inhumans are entertaining and the ending surprises us with an interesting outcome to almost all of the storylines. Even Ward is put to good use. The finale scene leaves marvelous bait, let’s have more of that. I look forward to what comes next. Secret Avengers?


Screamers (1995) 

English A more than decent B-movie based on a lesser-known short story by Dick. It has a better ending and takes place on Earth, by the way. The planet looks really disheveled, snow in the desert is a great idea, the same as the two moons... World class almost for free. :D Peter Weller is a tough nice guy from the old school, the rest of the cast does not excel in any way. The main thing is the atmosphere. I’ll give it an extra star for effort. It left me with the same feeling I had after watching Pitch Black. - There’s a lot you can do. - Sure, pay taxes.


After Earth (2013) 

English An inoffensive drama (taking place in the future) about the relationship of a fearless general (strangely detached Will) and his lily-livered cadet son (lily-livered Jaden) and their attempt to get off the planet that they crash landed on. Shy stumbles into one disaster after another, but here he is on top of the direction and he even comes up with some bright ideas. A straightforward and simple story about dispelling fear is very flimsy and the transformation at the end was very forced. So only a fair amount of blood and killer animals keep it above water. Just right, really. And how the Earth started to flourish as soon as those parasites had rocketed off elsewhere...


Riddick (2013) 

English You just got to love this character. Otherwise you won’t understand this movie. Riddick was always a peculiar combination of Conan and Star Wars and that still applies. It departs almost immediately from the lightly traced storyline from the previous movie in the excellent introduction where R settles on a deserted planet (with monsters) and gets a dog. It continues in the slightly modified spirit of Pitch Black. There’s a lot of slime dripping and bloodshed and we are treated to two full-frontals (although... Katee Sackhoff only shows one). The monsters bear a tolerable resemblance to our favorite xenomorph and Diesel’s gravelly voice has everything under control. A pleasantly wasted two hours. I certainly want to see the next part and see Furya.


This Is the End (2013) 

English From about half way through this was an improvised commercial for the Bible and MilkyWay, packed with snappy lines. Sumptuous sub-plots and cameos never seen before. Rihanna burns in hellfire, Michael Cera didn’t disappoint for the first time in his life, Hermione has an ax and Tatum delivers another good one this year. Everybody in the main gang rocks, but I rooted for Franco the most. I guffawed loud and frequently. I’m glad they’re doing the sequel to Pineapple Express.


The Hangover Part III (2013) 

English Now even the original concept of the hangover has been dropped... And there’s more of that dumb Chinaman too. It’s fine that Phillips tried to make it a bit different third time round, but it’s more or less equally entertaining. Goodman is the only really nice character. A couple of great jokes, but overall it’s not very funny. They also ruined “Hurt" by Trent. I’m probably going to have nightmares from that post-credits scene.


Immortals (2011) 

English Excellent. A precisely constructed heroic story (but the only things it has to do with Greek mythology are the names and the setting), good and bloody and bombastic. A perfect atmosphere and action, too. Mickey Rourke is great, Superman is pretty well on top of things and even Zeus is cool. A visual banquet.