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Prime Video




3DD!3Full Metal Jacket(1987) 

At times in this, you might think you’re watching a comedy, that is, until the reality freezes the smile on your face. Excellent acting performances. Kubrick’s best movie, in my opinion. Better you than me. (more)

RemedyTop Gun(1986) 

The ultimate guilty pleasure. A film so military/American in every way that perhaps it could best be described with the slightly pejorative term "army porn". But what's the use, when it was one of the first films I was… (more)

IviDvoFull Metal Jacket(1987) 

The first part of the film, which takes us into the training of the Marines, is great. Basically, it's about nothing more than a screaming and terrorizing sergeant who drives the soldiers to the edge of their physical… (more)

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