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LimaLips of Blood(1975) 

Lips of Blood. Jean Rollin is the French Joe D´Amato. He first made a name for himself as one of the few French horror filmmakers of the 1970s, only to end up directing porn, and I reckon he was better at porn than at… (more)


Life is ugly and people often make it uglier. But was it really necessary to end it all with that awful CGI wasp? As if it couldn't have been done a bit differently, as if it couldn't have been executed in a way that… (more)

gudaulinTrouble Every Day(2001) Boo!

Yes, I'm incorrigible. I waste money my whole life and invest it in useless things, but in this case, the loss of about two dollars was particularly painful. I should have given it to beggars at the station. A… (more)