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DaViD´82Dirty Dancing(1987) 

A romantic, sweet summer flick which has a charm of its own. And amazingly, it is possible to sit through it (not enjoy it) even without your better half by your side. Swayze set the bar high for Czech men for a long… (more)

StanislausTop Gun(1986) 

After the iconic Hot Shots, this is basically my second encounter with Top Gun. I would have probably ignored if it wasn't for the sequel, which is currently receiving praise from all sides. Top Gun is an 80s movie with… (more)

ZízaNausicaä of the Valley of the Wind(1984) 

In the end, it was a very good movie after all. It didn't really grab me at first, I wasn't in the mood to be lectured on "the field of ecology", but then somewhere, at some point, the film won me over and I hoped it… (more)

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