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POMOTerminator: Dark Fate(2019) 

The merger of old and new characters is done nicely and Arnold’s catchphrases will make you laugh. That makes the over-digitized, unnecessarily over-the-top wannabe action (most of all on the plane) all the more… (more)

MrHladTerminator: Dark Fate(2019) 

There is one more pleasant surprise this year after all. I wasn't really expecting it from the new Terminator, and it's all the more pleasant. Tim Miller delivers a lot of action (admittedly, a bit too digital at times)… (more)

angel74Terminator: Dark Fate(2019) 

I expected it to be much worse, to tell you the truth, but surprisingly I had a pretty good time. Watching the movie, I was nostalgic for the original Terminator, which James Cameron gave a unique atmosphere. Director… (more)