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MarigoldStar Trek II: The Wrath of Khan(1982) 

A classic sci-fi in all its glory and a darling from childhood, which I can watch today without the blushing of an old nostalgic. The story is excellent and connects the silver screen with the series much more than the… (more)

kaylinBlood and Sand(1941) 

The story didn't captivate me, which is simply because I'm not particularly fond of bullfighters and bullfighting, but neither did the characters engage me. I felt like they were all rather unpleasant, and they didn't… (more)

LimaDownhill Racer(1969) 

Barefoot in the Park slightly dented his stellar start, Sundance Kid catapulted him to the acting Olympus, and in the meantime Redford, my idol, made this unremarkable tale of an arrogant man who comes to happiness.… (more)