Disney+ - Streaming


Streaming from 2015-08-12  


Streaming from 2015-08-11
Streaming from 2015-08-10
Streaming from 2015-08-09


Streaming from 2015-08-08
Streaming from 2015-08-07


Streaming from 2015-08-06
Streaming from 2015-08-05
Streaming from 2015-08-04


Streaming from 2015-08-03


Top Rated

Alien (1979)

Aliens (1986)

Die Hard (1988)

Ford v Ferrari (2019)

Geri's Game (1997)

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

Partly Cloudy (2009)

Presto (2008)



3DD!3Fantastic Four(2015) 

I see wasted potential. Almost Cronenberg elements of Richards’ imprisonment, exploding heads, freakish mutations. Damn! We might have had something here. So we have a product here that the studio took away from the… (more)

gudaulinFantastic Four(2015) Boo!

I don't like comic book films about heroes with superpowers because I consider them to be heavily infantile and their audience clearly belongs to a different age category than mine. But even within what comic books work… (more)

novotenFantastic Four(2015) 

An origin story like crazy, that could never find a favorable reception with the audience. It contains so many separate films that it remains almost untenable as a whole. In the first layer, it goes through the… (more)