Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 2021-07-06  


Streaming from 2021-07-05
Streaming from 2021-07-04


Streaming from 2021-07-03
Streaming from 2021-07-02





EvilPhoEniXThe Tomorrow War(2021) 

Forget logic, enjoy the action! The Tomorrow War is a fine sci-fi caper with aliens (monsters). It is not another Edge of Tomorrow, but on the other hand, there hasn't been anything better since it (7 years I should… (more)

LimaThe Tomorrow War(2021) 

In 2021, these alien derivatives may only entertain bacteria and other single-celled organisms. If it wasn’t for the bombastic CGI here and there, it would have nothing. And Chris Pratt's dumb attempts at expressing… (more)

NecrotongueThe Tomorrow War(2021) 

A strange film indeed. Its better parts felt like a thrilling video game I wished I could control. However, this lack of control took away from the overall impression. The weaker moments felt purely American, with a… (more)