Apple TV+ - Streamovací služby (VOD)

Apple TV+

Unknown release date  






3DD!3The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari(1920) 

Madness simply oozes from the Cabinet. Dark distorted images (the sets seem to have fallen out of a brain afflicted with a persecution complex and a twisted perception of reality) in the most classic sense. The… (more)

MalarkeyThe Kid(1921) 

It’s incredible that I’m watching a hundred-year-old movie and laughing like a maniac. The best scene is definitely the one with the fighter. There are even film effects that you definitely wouldn’t expect. It’s no… (more)

D.MooreThe Ten Commandments(1923) 

The eleventh commandment for viewers of this film might be: "After the fiftieth minute, you'll keep watching." Around that time, the generous biblical prologue ends and the story from the "present" begins, which may not… (more)

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