Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 2022-03-27  


Streaming from 2022-03-26
Streaming from 2022-03-25






EvilPhoEniXThe Lost City(2022) 

An enjoyable spring film packed with great actors, a fine setting and effective humour. I didn't expect much from Lost City and it could be said it is a spring surprise that combines several elements and genres in one,… (more)

POMOYou Are Not My Mother(2021) 

This decent genre exercise serves up an ample helping of mystery and suspense, though it’s permeated with clichéd motifs and insufficiently explained in the climax. The gloomy British climate, dark music, good actors… (more)

NecrotongueSeverance - Defiant Jazz(2022) 

I sensed a slightly slower pace in the previous episode, but the creators more than made up for it in the seventh episode. They didn't opt for sheer speed but managed to deliver an incredibly interesting sequence of… (more)