Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 2012-03-12  
Streaming from 2012-03-11


Streaming from 2012-03-10


Streaming from 2012-03-09


Streaming from 2012-03-08
Streaming from 2012-03-06




PethushkaJack and Jill(2011) 

Unfortunately, we haven't seen many good comedies in the last few years. Plus with the Dugan and Sandler duo, you never know, one up, the next down. It's a shame it didn't quite work out this time. While Sandler handled… (more)

J*A*S*MJohn Carter(2012) 

Two stars for the technical aspect, otherwise, awfully dull. It kept me interested for about 45 minutes, then it lost me. An unlikeable hunk jumps around in Mars surrounded by four-armed green creatures, there’s the… (more)

MarigoldJohn Carter(2012) 

Martian soap opera. Technically brilliant, which was to be expected of Stanton, but problematic in all other respects. John Carter is a return to the "great stories", but it does not update them in any way, and… (more)