Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 2023-03-20  


Streaming from 2023-03-19


Streaming from 2023-03-18
Streaming from 2023-03-17





NinadeLShazam! Fury of the Gods(2023) 

#12 DCEU. Fury of the Gods is the third film in the Shazam! and Black Adam cycle. As such, it is worth paying attention to only because of Rachel Zegler and Gal Gadot (the future duo from the planned Snow White). But… (more)

NecrotongueMayor of Kingstown - Little Green Ant(2023) 

I won't deny that the finale didn't exactly leave me in a state of bliss. I had higher expectations for the creators, so I settled on a slightly disappointed four-star rating. To be frank, I would have loved to give it… (more)

GoldbeaterShazam! Fury of the Gods(2023) 

Shazam! Wrath of the Gods is a thoroughly conventional comic book movie that won't impress anyone, but it won't offend them either. At least this time we have bad guys with human faces and not some computer-generated… (more)