
New York cab driver Korben Dallas didn't mean to be a hero. But he just picked up the kind of fare that only comes along every five thousand years - a perfect beauty, a perfect being, a perfect weapon. Now, together, they must save the world. (official distributor synopsis)

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Reviews (10)


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English It's a real pity that Chris Tucker is involved. As entertaining as he usually is, here he is more annoying and ruins an otherwise great movie with his performances. The same can be said about Luc Besson himself, who, despite having created a wonderfully fantastic world with a fascinating mythology, couldn't hold back his imagination in the middle part, making the storyline feel a bit cluttered and rushed (especially regarding Corben's development). The biggest strengths of the film are, of course, the adorable Milla Jovovich and the slimy Gary Oldman. ()


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English A pastiche of boredom and grayness, despite being artfully wrapped in loud colors. I think I might even have liked The Fifth Element... If it weren’t for one detail. Constant attempts at unintentionally infantile “humor". And I didn’t swallow Besson’s game of pretending that this has a large, rich and chiseled mythology behind it. The Fifth Element has its moments, but, considering how long it is, there are too few of them. ()



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English An incredibly colorful and visually stunning affair that entertains, occasionally even captivates, with its legendary wisecracks and visual-effect-laden, overexposed sequences. It also forces reflection on an interesting mix of genres and visual styles, with a plethora of movie stars overseen by Europe's directors and the scent of a legend, which this film has certainly become over the years. It's all too wild and crazy for higher ratings, but in many aspects, Luc Besson could teach his colleagues a lot with this film. ()


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English For some time, I managed to avoid this film, but I finally decided it was time to watch it. I’d heard that it’s a bunch of nonsense, but the kind you genuinely enjoy. And, honestly, it’s no surprise. The chameleon Gary Oldman looks like he accidentally gave himself a lobotomy while putting on a toupee, and seeing a blond Bruce Willis isn’t something you encounter every day. Not to mention the tiny colorful elephants, the screaming Chris Tucker, and the stuttering Ian Holm. This film is truly a first-degree madness, especially when you look at what people are wearing. It’s the pinnacle of extravagance, something The Hunger Games didn’t even come close to. You’ll also laugh. Maybe not so much that you’ll be clutching your sides, but you’ll at least be smiling. This film is infectious. It’s absurd, but only to the extent that it doesn’t cross the line. And so, you can easily forgive its clichéd ending, which delivers the one truth: Love must triumph because only love can save the world. ()


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English This action film with elements of comedy is far from perfect, but its excellent cast and original vision of the future alone will attract everyone. The story itself is also very well crafted and although the film is almost two hours long, there are hardly any dead or boring spots. As far as the actors are concerned, Gary Oldman, even with his strange visage, commands a lot of respect and proves that he can play bad guys like few others. Bruce Willis certainly doesn't disappoint his fans either, as he fires several magazines, smashes up his car and stuffs his superiors into a fridge. Chris Tucker, on the other hand, is the biggest weakness of The Fifth Element and Bruce should have kicked his ass the moment he saw him. Don't expect a miracle, but this interesting film full of action and funny lines deserves to be remembered. ()

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