Bending Lines: The Sculpture of Robert Wiggs

? %
USA, 2017, 82 min


Robert Wiggs’s art is rooted in the intricate patterns of the natural world. His sculptures are inspired by the structures he observes all around him, from cracks in dried mud to pine cones and armadillo scales. Fascinated by these patterns, he breaks them down and categorizes them into essential building blocks, or “sutures.” When he discovers a complex polyhedron he calls the “twist octahedron,” Wiggs achieves international recognition from the scientific community. Wiggs’s elegant, seemingly simple sculptures reveal the interplay of mathematics and art; with an artist’s eye, he illustrates the principles underlying quantum theory and particle physics. Steeped in the repeating geometry of nature, his works occupy the space between art and science - a marvelous space that Bending Lines invites viewers to share. (Full Frame Documentary Film Festival)
