
The film is a documentary-feature film based on real stories and made with amateur actors. The district pioneer secretary is assigned to find a pioneer who can play a musical instrument, has a working-class background, and studies well at school and appoint him for a one-month-long premium holiday in Britain. He finds a guitarist, Balogh Tibi, in a village school. The boy's parents are dragged from their work in the field to sign an assent statement to their son's holiday in Britain. The mother, an uneducated woman who has never been outside her village, gets confused and embarrassed, and she suddenly regrets that she has consented to the child's leave. With some pressure she gets her husband too, to withdraw the consent. What the boy himself would wish to do nobody asks at all, and in the end a rather unintelligent and much less talented child of more shrewdly pragmatic parents can travel to Britain. (official distributor synopsis)


Videos (1)

D: Hungarian