The Wind of Ayahuasca

  • Peru El viento del ayahuasca
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Peru, 1983, 85 min

Directed by:

Nora de Izcue


In Iquitos, gateway to the Peruvian Amazon, Nexy (Silvia Chávez) lives on the margins, sometimes as a sex worker, haunted by the memories and folklore of her rural childhood. She meets Miguel (Johnny Palacios), a sociologist visiting from Lima, studying the spiritual traditions and socioeconomic disparities of the region. Nexy consults a curandero (Melitón Delgado), who suggests she participate in a healing ceremony. Together, they travel into the jungle, to deepen the healing in a natural environment. When Nexy vanishes, both Miguel and Melitón seek guidance from ayahuasca, and experience profound revelations while in the embrace of the medicine. (Kino Lorber)


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D: Spanish S: English