Chernobyl: The Last Battle of the USSR

(TV movie)
  • France Tchernobyl : La dernière bataille de l'URSS
France, 2021, 55 min

Directed by:

Thibault Férié


If the 20th century really began on the night of April 12, 1912 with the sinking of the Titanic, it may have ended prematurely on the night of April 26, 1986 with the explosion of the reactor number 4 of the Lenin nuclear power plant known as Chernobyl... Three decades after the nuclear explosion, almost everything has been said about this ecological and sanitary disaster that made Pripiat a part of History. How did the greatest industrial disaster change the course of History, disrupt global geopolitics and, directly or indirectly, redistribute the balances and power relations of the twentieth century? The world will never be the same again. By retracing the incredible battle waged by the Soviet Union against radiation, this film proposes to retrace and enlighten an extraordinary story, while exploring the historical stakes in the medium and long-term… (Mediawan)



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