Hideyasu Takahashi

Hideyasu Takahashi

Born 1975-12-02 (48 years old)
Iwate, Japan



Mysterious Joker - comic book


Decisive Battle! Phantom Thief Survival Game, Part 2! - comic book (S03E13)


Welcome to the Shining Night! - comic book (S04E13)


Decisive Battle! Phantom Thief Survival Game, Part 1! - comic book (S03E12)

  more episodes (23)

Mysterious Joker - comic book


The End to the Long Night - comic book (S02E13)


The Labyrinth of Shadows and Mirrors - comic book (S01E13)


Light and Shadow Jokers - comic book (S02E12)

  more episodes (11)

Mysterious Joker - comic book


Crash! The Dark Ninja Army - comic book (S01E12)


The Beast That Howls at the Moon - comic book (S01E11)


The Luxurious Kaneari Golden Express - comic book (S01E10)

  more episodes (9)