Salvatore Cantalupo

Salvatore Cantalupo

Born 1959-07-08
Neapol, Campania, Italy

Died 2018-08-13 (59 years old)
Monserrato, Sardinia, Italy


A brilliant middle aged Italian stage actor, he is now well know internationally for heading one of the five story strands in Matteo Garrone's magnificent crime thriller Gomorrah.
His selected Filmography:
Corpo Celeste - 2011, Qualunquemente - 2011, Esterno Sera - 2011, Tris di donne & abiti nuziali – 2009,  Lo spazio bianco – 2009, Fortapàsc – 2009, Gomorrah – 2008, Rosatigre – 2000, Appassionate – 1999, Rehearsals for War - 1998.

Film Movement