Luis Gasca

Luis Gasca

Born 1933-09-17 (90 years old)
San Sebastián, Spain


A lawyer, born in San Sebastian, he has been extremely active doing work related to film and comics: he was the director of the San Sebastian International Film Festival, has published ground-breaking studies on the fantastic genre such as "Imagen y ciencia-ficción" (Image and Science Fiction), "Mujeres fantásticas" (Fantastic Women), "Cine y ciencia-ficción" (Cinema and Science Fiction), "Cine de terror" (Horror Movies), has curated 82 exhibitions, was the director of the Buru Lan and Pala publishing houses, and has contributed to film magazines such as "Fotogramas", "Ideal Film" and "Terror-Fantastic" in Spain, "Famous Monsters of Filmland" in the United States and "Midi-Minuit fantastique" in France. A pioneer when it comes to addressing comics as an art and valuing fantastic films, he participated in founding the Sitges, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Bordighera, Lucca, Rome, Angoulème and Compiegne festivals. His collections are part of the Komikiak-Collection Luis Gasca, for the study of popular culture, located in San Sebastian.

Sitges Film Festival