Liam Hemsworth

Liam Hemsworth

Born 1990-01-13 (34 years old)
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


With a strong understated presence, Liam Hemsworth, has a quiet intensity that transcends the big screen. Demonstrating versatility and skill in a range of performances, Liam has proven to be one of the most sought-after actors of his generation.

Born in Melbourne, Australia, Hemsworth grew up surfing on Phillip Island. The youngest of three boys, Hemsworth always loved movies. Though he never dreamt of becoming an actor, as a young kid he would sit down and watch movies all day long. At the age of 17, having observed his two older brothers Luke and Chris do television shows in Australia. Hemsworth decided that he too wanted to pursue acting seriously. He enrolled in acting classes, got an agent, and started auditioning. Hemsworth quickly landed his first big acting job on Australia’s popular TV series “Home and Away” and from there went on to book a role on Australia’s most successful TV show, “Neighbors.”

Landing his first film role in the feature film “Triangle,” Hemsworth discovered that his true passion was making movies. He explained, “It’s something new and fresh and it’s just a different energy than what I’d worked on before.” Knowing Los Angeles was the center of movie making, Hemsworth began sending audition tapes to the states. He sent a tape to Sylvester Stallone who within a week of receiving the tape asked Hemsworth “to come to Hollywood immediately to play the part of his son in the feature film “The Expendables.” Shortly before he was to depart for Los Angeles, Hemsworth learned that the part of Sly’s son had been written out of the script, however, within hours of learning he was no longer working on “The Expendables,” he received a call that Marvel wanted to screen test him for “Thor.” Though he ended up losing the role of ‘Thor’ to his older brother Chris, it was this audition for Marvel that got Hemsworth to Los Angeles.

Hemsworth soon began to gain attention throughout Hollywood, and while living with his brother Chris in their manager Will Ward’s guest cottage, Liam beat out hundreds of actors for the part of ‘Will Blakee’ in the film adaptation of Nicholas Sparks,” “The Last Song,” directed by Julie Anne Robinson and co-starring Greg Kinnear and Miley Cyrus. This performance garnered Hemsworth with the 2010 Young Hollywood Award as well the 2010 Teen Choice Male Breakout Award.

Hemsworth, who resides in Los Angeles, eagerly looks forward to more film work with quality actors and directors. He explained, “I love acting and I love movies. At the moment, I’m just trying to find people who are doing something different and meet people who are as passionate as I am. I have learned the majority of what I know on set, working. You learn from watching people with experience.”

Millennium Films

