Paolo Virzì

Paolo Virzì

Born 1964-03-04 (60 years old)
Livorno, Toskánsko, Italy


Paolo Virzì (b. 1964, Livorno, Italy) devoted himself to theater and literature, then studied screenwriting at Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia. He debuted in film as a director with Living It Up (La bella vita, 1994), screened at Venice and awarded a David di Donatello for Best New Director. His debut led the way to a career involving work as a screenwriter, director, and producer. His films tend toward tragicomedy. Selected filmography: August Vacation (Ferie d'agosto, 1995), Hardboiled Egg (Ovosodo, 1996), Kisses and Hugs (Baci e abbracci, 1998), Caterina in the Big City (Caterina va in città, 2003), Her Whole Life Ahead (Tutta la vita davanti, 2008 – Horizons section at KVIFF 2009), The First Beautiful Thing (La prima cosa bella, 2010), Every Blessed Day (Tutti i santi giorni, 2012), and The Human Capital (Il capitale umano, 2013).

MFF Karlovy Vary






Janela Indiscreta