Ruth Gabriel

Ruth Gabriel

Born 1975-07-10 (49 years old)
San Fernando, Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain


Daughter of the actor Ismael Abellán and the writer Ana Rossetti. She began working at the age of five on television shows such as La Cometa Blanca and Barrio Sésamo. She attended high school in the United States, where she studied at the American School of Dramatic Arts in Pasadena and won the Southern California school theater competition. In 1992 she studied classical theater in Florence. Upon her return to Madrid, she began in the world of cinema with Días Contados directed by Imanol Uribe for which she won the Goya for Best New Actress (1995), the Best New Actress award from La Unión de Actores, the Ondas Award, the Critical Eye Award, and the Best Actress Award at the Courmayeur Noir Film Festival. From there, she launched her career as an actress both in cinema and in theater and television, winning awards such as Best Actress at the Mostra de Cine de Valencia for her film Malamuerte, and starring in numerous works in the theater such as Crimen y Punigo, directed by José Carlos Plaza or Fuente Ovejuna, directed by Emilio Hernández, among many others. She has also worked on many television series, is part of the production company Zampa Audiovisual, has published some collections of poems and also works as an interpretation and communication teacher.

Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca




La mandrágora


Lo + plus



The Lesson