Jérémie Mazurek

Jérémie Mazurek

Born 1981-11-13 (42 years old)
Grande-Synthe, France


On graduating from La Cambre in 2007, where he studied animation, Jérémie Mazurek set up his own animation studio with three fellow graduates. As well as working on many commissioned films, this Brussels-based studio, called L'Enclume, also develops short films and contributes to a number of large scale projects for the cinema. Jérémie has worked as an animator on the film Une vie de Chat (2010) and Zarafa (2013), and supervised the design of the backgrounds for Totems, a short film by Paul Jadoul (2015).

He is also the graphic designer behind The Cinema Owl character which he has animated since 2016 for the programmes of short films shown in cinemas: La Chouette entre veille et sommeil (2016), La Fontaine fait son cinéma (2017) and Le Vent dans les roseaux (2017). In 2018, he directed a 3 minute clip Où vas-tu Basile ?, based on the song of the same name by Loulou Gasté and Georges Bonnet, to end the programme Les Ritournelles de La Chouette (scheduled for release in 2019). Within L'Enclume, he leads a programme of scriptwriting residencies for authors of animated films.

Les Films du Nord
