Uldis Brauns

Uldis Brauns

Born 1932-12-19
Lutriņi Parish, Latvia

Died 2017-01-13 (84 years old)
unknown where


His arrival at Riga Film Studio after graduation of the State Institute of Cinematography in Moscow was a fresh breeze and groundbreaking precedent of a new and daring cinematic language. He invented a whole new visual code system and encouraged the audience not only to watch, but to watch, see and think along. Poetic masterpieces by Uldis Brauns include: White Bells (1961) (cinematographer), Trilogy: The Beginning (1961) / The Construction (1962) / The Worker (1963), 235 000 000 (1967) (director & one of cinematographers). Shortly after the liquidation of Riga Film Studio (the only film producing company in Soviet Latvia) in the early 1990-ties, he together with his wife Dainuvite moved from Riga to the countryside cottage near Kuldiga – the land of his childhood. The post-film studio period was dramatic in terms of survival - both were forced to roll up the sleeves and turn into real farmers growing their own food. Uldis Brauns is a man with an extraordinary life story. His parents were deported to Siberia leaving the 14-year-old-boy and his sister behind. Uldis – a countryside boy, a student of agricultural school got carried away with cinema when a crew of documentary makers came to his school to shoot a newsreel. The next year he left agriculture behind and went to Moscow to study cinematography.

VFS Films




The Beginning