Ognjen Sviličić

Ognjen Sviličić

Born 1971-04-21 (53 years old)
Split, Chorvatsko, Yugoslavia


Ognjen Sviličić (b. 1971, Split, Yugoslavia) is sometimes called the "Mabuse of Croatian Cinema," following his series of successful screenplays for other directors back home. Since his directorial debut in 1999 his work has focused on the stories of young people who represent the new spirit of the times. Their portraits are set in sharp contrast to the lives and attitudes of their parents, who try to help them any way they can, yet, unfamiliar with the modern conventions, they are left to flounder. These circumstances might apply to the stories behind the scripts for Sorry for Kung Fu (Oprosti za kung fu, 2004) and These Are the Rules (Takva su pravila, 2014), screened at the Berlin and Venice IFFs. Probably Sviličić's best known film is a noteworthy drama about the selfless relationship between father and son, Armin (2007), which won Best Film in Karlovy Vary's East of the West section.

50. MFF Karlovy Vary






Studio 45