Angela Jones

Angela Jones

Born 1968-12-23 (55 years old)
Greensburg, Pennsylvania, USA


Jones began studying acting at the age of fifteen. She went to Carnegie Mellon's acting conservatory. Later she attended the prestigious Florida Acting Conservatory at Florida State University for her graduate work. It was here that she was approached to play a woman obsessed with death in the short film Curdled, which would eventually grab the attention of Tarantino at a film festival in Italy. Quentin was so intrigued by her role in the short that he created a similar character for her in Pulp Fiction. Tarantino went on to executive produce a feature version of Curdled in which Jones co-starred with Billy Baldwin.
Jones has kept herself busy by appearing on television's "E.R.," as well as the feature films Blind Fear, Underworld with Dennis Leary, Morella, Children of the Corn V as well as Jim Carrey's Man on the Moon and The Time Machine.

Indican Pictures
