Lewis John Carlino

Lewis John Carlino

Born 1932-01-01
New York City, New York, USA

Died 2020-06-17 (88 years old)
Whidbey Island, Washington, USA


Lewis John Carlino wrote the original 1972 genre classic, The Mechanic, which starred Charles Bronson.

Carlino is best known as both a screenwriter and director of the critically acclaimed 70s films: The Great Santini, for which Robert Duvall and Michael O'Keefe received Academy Award nominations. He also wrote Resurrection, earning Ellen Burstyn and Eve Le Gallienne Academy nominations, as well, in the same year. He received an Academy nomination for I Never Promised You a Rose Garden and went on to write Haunted Summer and The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, which he also directed, starring Kris Kristoferson and Sarah Miles. Carlino also directed Class in 1983.

Carlino's first film credit as a screenwriter was Seconds (1966), directed by John Frankenheimer, and which starred Rock Hudson. His other notable motion picture screenwriting credits are the controversial The Fox, directed by Mark Rydell, The Brotherhood, which starred Kirk Douglas, and Crazy Joe, starring Peter Boyle.

Carlino has also written for television, beginning with episodes of the series "CBS Repotoire Workshop” and “Route 66.” His made for television films include the critically acclaimed “Honor Thy Father,” “In Search of America,” “A Reflection of Fear” and “Where Have All the People Gone,” and the series, “Doc Elliot,” which he created.






The Making of 'Class' (TV movie)