Elli Maanpää

Elli Maanpää

Born 1985-07-30 (38 years old)
Turku, Finland


Elli Maanpää was born in city of Turku 30th of July 1985. After graduating from the art communication high school she moved to Helsinki to study fashion design in the Aalto University School of Arts Design and Architecture. With the Bachelor of Art diploma in her pocket she traveled to Malaysia to do European voluntary service working as a graphic designer in an organization that fights HIV.

In Autumn 2011 Elli returned to school bench studying now in Visual Culture master program in the Pori Unit of Department of Art. Making original videos has been a hobby for her from her teen years. For example in high school she did with her friends a presentation of the life of Sibelius for their music class as a puppet animation.

Elli Maanpää







Sound designer