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Reviews (572)


Blockers (2018) 

English A trio of desperate parents have just discovered that their daughters want to try sex at the prom in addition to alcohol and light drugs. And they must stop them at all costs. In the end, however, they may find out that the problem is not their children, but themselves... Blockers is a hilarious comedy that functionally alternates humorous scenes with more serious and mature ones. Fortunately, the humour prevails and if it weren't for a few unnecessarily overdone scenes, it could have been even better. Still, it's surprisingly very enjoyable.


Death Wish (2018) 

English Paul Kersey's wife lost her life in an attack and his daughter ended up in hospital. Paul believes the police will catch the criminals soon, but for now they are on the run. So he decides to get a gun and deal with the criminals on his own. This new version of the thriller classic is an enjoyable action flick that relies on solid gunfights, blood and the ever charismatic Bruce Willis. However, as soon as they attempt psychology and serious drama, it stops working. Fortunately, they don't do that very often, it probably couldn't have turned out much better.


Red Sparrow (2018) 

English Dominika, a former ballerina, has been trained in a spy school and has become a professional seductress. Now she is tasked with getting close to an American agent and discovering who in Russian intelligence is passing him information. But her mission is complicated by her superiors and perhaps her true feelings. Red Sparrow is a rather intimate spy thriller, and a bit too long. It tries to be sexy and provocative, most of the time it’s uncomfortably aloof, cold, and unnecessarily plodding. And not very entertaining.


The Ash Lad: In the Hall of the Mountain King (2017) 

English Espen has destroyed the family cottage and if he wants to put things back together, he needs to find and rescue the princess and win half the kingdom. Unfortunately, the princess finds herself in the grip of a giant monster, and a cocky prince from a neighbouring kingdom is also after her. This rescue won't be easy... but it will be fun. This Norwegian adventure tale filmed in the Czech Republic has likable characters, nice costumes, a surprisingly good monster and everything a genre film like this should have.


Peter Rabbit (2018) 

English Peter Rabbit has a thing for the vegetables from Mr McGregor's garden, and now his nephew arrives and the carrot war is in full swing. And there will be no playing by the rules! Peter Rabbit is an easygoing family film that relies on a likeable hero, solid action and humour. They’ve also managed to sneak a lot of unexpectedly humorous and clever situations into the hackneyed and predictable story, which subvert the clichés associated with family films in an entertaining way and ensure that the adult companions have a good time alongside the kids.


Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) 

English The Kaiju are back, and the giant Jaegers must once again take action. This time, Guillermo del Toro is only a producer of the megalomaniacal carnage, and the second film takes a slightly different path than the first. It's more colourful and spectacular. It's also pretty stupid. On the other hand, there are enough action scenes and spectacular fights to forgive all the nonsense and dysfunctional humorous inserts. It's bollocks, but if you can turn yourself into a ten-year-old for two hours, you'll enjoy it quite a bit.


The Commuter (2018) 

English Liam Neeson gets on the train in a pretty bad mood, and it's about to get worse when he finds out that Vera Farmiga has manipulated him into a conspiracy in which his neck is on the line. And not just him. The Commuter is a solid action flick, and exactly what you'd expect from the makers of Unknown and Non-Stop. But you can tell they're running out of ideas. It still paces pretty well and you get exactly what you expect in the cinema, but not a tad more. I quite enjoyed it, but I would have liked to see Neeson and director Jaume Collet-Serra move on to other projects and maybe even genres. They don't have much to offer here anymore.


Pure Devilry (2017) 

English A simple but inoffensive fairy tale with a straightforward story, overlong running time, uneven performances, but no dumb humour, and with kitschy but ultimately quite nice cinematography and atmosphere. Nothing groundbreaking, but we are used to much bigger crap from Troška. Kids will probably like it, adults will painlessly survive it and it won't be a disgrace on TV in two years. So actually quite a success.


Logan Lucky (2017) 

English It probably wouldn't be a good idea to go into Logan Lucky thinking you'll get a redneck version of Ocean’s Eleven, but I didn't count on that. On the other hand, the new Soderbergh film might have some of that style. Actually, probably any style. While there are a few endearingly bizarre humorous moments, Logan Lucky is far from a comedy. There's a heist, but its fairly seamless planning and execution is unlikely to excite fans of heist movies. There's some drama, too, as the protagonists have to deal with the fact that their lives are in the gutter and it's not likely to get any better, but we don't get anything groundbreaking or particularly interesting in that regard either. And what you end up with is a film that, while full of stars, fails to entertain in any of its forms. Fortunately, it doesn't bore either.


The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017) 

English I like movies like this a lot, and there hasn't been a classic action buddy comedy in a long time (no, The Nice Guys is not a classic action buddy comedy), so I was quite excited. And left the theater pretty disappointed. The Hitman’s Bodyguard always manages to score a few points on something, but after a while it trips over its own feet. Patrick Hughes does come up with and shoot some good action scenes, and a couple of them are excellent, but all of them are accompanied by completely inappropriate and ultimately annoying music. Samuel L. Jackson enjoys his role exactly as one would expect, but, unfortunately, Ryan Reynolds is usually next to him playing a depressed, boring and annoying buffoon. For a while it seems like an easygoing and funny film, only to switch at some points into a rather depressing and unnecessarily serious one. Well, the result is a mess that sometimes goes excellently, sometimes terribly and mostly kind of mediocre. After its clever and successful marketing, I expected a lot more.