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Reviews (1,970)


X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) 

English It's as if I've gone from a four-star restaurant called Singer's, serving chicken medallions in cheese batter, Sacher cake for dessert, and 2004 Chardonnay, to a perfectly functional fast-food chain called McRatner, with a triple burger and a Coke. You might eat at both places, but you'll have a different experience, not to mention the memories you'll take away.


The Assassination (2004) 

English The comparisons are unavoidable. This film is like a poor man’s Taxi Driver, but lacking the depth, urgency and bleakness, as well as the believability of the main character's transformation into a man determined to commit the most horrific act. I understood De Niro more in Scorsese's opus. However, I won't deny that I got a big chill at the final emotional climax and I would never have believed that Sean Penn, the big guy and the rebel, could play a downtrodden nobody so brilliantly.


Laurel Canyon (2002) 

English An unpretentious, non-clichéd, thoughtful story that gently encourages perceptive viewers to find "their own thing". I'd love to have the world-class rocker McDormand as a friend....


Firewall (2006) 

English A painless enema with Harrison Ford, who in the next Indiana Jones will fight with a nurse in a nursing home for not emptying his bedpan...


Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures (2001) 

English An engaging, content-rich documentary that would have benefited from a slightly less uncritical view. Supermen exist only in fairytales.


Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) 

English I read an apt observation somewhere that conspiracy theories are like fairytales for adults, with a simple theory and an attempt to find a shortcut to explain complex things. Moore is such a storyteller, engaging and entertaining, but unfortunately he uses exactly the weapons he accuses Bush of using: demagoguery and simplification. An example is his view of the Iraq problem. In a suggestive voice, he declares that Iraq never attacked the US, all to the accompaniment of images of smiling Iraqi women and a small Iraqi boy flying a kite. It gives the impression that Iraq was a happy country before it was invaded and that its invasion was a criminal act. Nice, unfortunately Mr. Moore omitted, surely quite deliberately, a few essential facts: Saddam's dictatorship launched several wars in the Middle East region, invaded Iran, plundered Kuwait, gassed and otherwise slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Kurds, tortured and executed political opponents with the help of the secret police of Saddam's sons Uday and Qusay, who were synonymous with fear for ordinary Iraqis, ignored the call of the UN Security Council some 40 times, etc. The last drop fell, and the US took the initiative, with the embarrassing acquiescence of the traditionally uncooperative UN and EU, to play the role of World Police. Thanks God for that, assholes need to be stopped (Milosevic is a good example). Economic interests are then a logical concomitant, I will always be a hundred times happier to have oil in the hands of democratic states than dictators like Hussein. Another example is Moore's somewhat unfair play on emotions in his portrayal of an American patriot who has lost her son and gives vent to her emotions, full of remorse and tears, in front of the White House. Sure, the death of a loved one is always painful, I felt very sorry for the woman, but to tie that sad fact to the name Bush is kind of beside the point. After all, anyone who volunteers for the army inevitably bears the highest risk, this is simply a reality, sad and cruel, but necessary and valid for armies all over the world. Moore is smart and knows this, of course, but why not be as effective as possible in the political anti-Bush fight, right. I appreciate Moore's lifelong commitment to righting the public wrong, which is why I really liked his Bowling for Columbine, but I don't like being taken for a ride. However, the supporters of the now popular and embarrassingly herd "anti-American" attitude in Europe, the crazy conspiracy theories (the popular opinion that the US government, the CIA, maybe even UFOs were behind the WTC attacks) will be in heaven. Well, to each their own. PS: I'm not much of a fan of conservative Catholic George Bush and his "hawkish" clan with names like Rumsfeld and Wolfovitz, he doesn't seem to have much intelligence and I can imagine plenty of more competent candidates in his place, but that doesn't change my view of the necessary "platoon" role of the US in the world.


Syriana (2005) 

English In the gravity of its message and in its structure (directly or indirectly intertwining storylines) Syriana is very reminiscent of Traffic, except that director Stephen Gaghan (the screenwriter of both films) has swapped drugs for the strategic commodity around which the whole world revolves, oil. I don't deny that when I first saw it I got lost in the story of the merger of Connex and Killen, in the jumble of names and facts, but the fates of Clooney's CIA agent, Prince Nasser and the two Arab boys were very interesting and captivating nonetheless. Gaghan doesn't mince words, he doesn't spare the CIA, his country's foreign policy ("When a country has five percent of the world's population but does fifty percent of its military spending, then the persuasive powers of that country are on the decline."), he points out corruption, he touches on the issue of Islamic fundamentalism, but the problem is that his narrative comes across as somewhat cold and distant, which may put some viewers off. But I am able to forgive a film that has an idea, an ambition to convey something important and, moreover, you can feel honest filmmaking (cinematography and design with suggestive Arabic realities). PS: Clooney is no longer the one who, in the words of Steven Spielberg, twitches his head like a pigeon, he is pleasantly surprising with his artificially mature expression, he is becoming a great actor.


Ultraviolet (2006) Boo!

English A stinking turd, painted in garish colours and placed in Kurt Wimmer's freshly created showcase of shit. Not even the forest scent of the "Insight" brand can help here.


Awakening (1959) 

English Krejčík scores again. At the time, a big hit among young people in this country and in the Eastern Bloc as a whole, it made the young Jana Brejchová an international star. Without any hints of ideology, it’s a testimony of the young generation, which in the post-Stalin era of slowly melting ice can start to take a deep breath of rebelliousness and timidly emerging rock 'n' roll. Outstanding Petr Kostka in his acting debut. The final, optimistic reunion scene was delivered at the instigation of the approvers, despite Krejcik's disapproval.