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Reviews (1,969)


Insomnia (2002) 

English After the brilliant Memento, Nolan reached for someone else’s script and once again he didn't go wrong. A great thriller that has more to offer than other similar genre films. The magical atmosphere of the Alaskan setting, the tired and circumstantially depressed Al Pacino, and Williams in an unconventional role (and he's good at it!), it's simply worth watching. The ambiguity of the behaviour of Detective Dormer, investigator and accomplice at the same time, adds a new, unusual dimension to the narrative. And if you happen to suffer from insomnia, add another star :)


A Better Way to Die (2000) 

English A young rookie police officer is the victim of a mugging, then accidentally gets into trouble, triggering in a merry-go-round of violence from which there is no escape. An action B-movie with a promising beginning and some Tarantino-style wisecracks. The good introduction soon takes its toll and boredom sets in, the plot becomes completely stupid, but that wouldn't have mattered. What's worse is that the whole film takes itself terribly seriously, in places it looks like an existential drama, and yet there is no shortage of jokes in the action scenes to lighten it. The result is somewhat schizophrenic bollocks.


Vidocq (2001) 

English Well, it was terrible bullshit and the final "shocking" surprise was rather funny. But that is not the what that matters here, it’s the how. I was very much entertained by the gratuitous cinematography, and the distorted optics and various effects make Vidocq a bizarre spectacle that is not to be missed. But one time was enough.


Reign of Fire (2002) 

English The creators confidently claimed that this film would be the hit of the summer season. And yet, it's a poor, dull B-movie that doesn't impress, doesn't entertain and you won't enjoy the digital dragons much either. The worst thing is that the film takes itself too seriously, it lacks insight, on the contrary, there is no lack of long glances, warm embraces and "profound" proclamations. Awfully boring and a big flop.


Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra (2002) 

English I wonder what Goscinny would say about this. On the one hand, the filmmakers stuck quite closely to the brilliant comic book, on the other hand, there are flukes like the final aerial fight, pirates on the Nile and Asterix's love story, which have nothing to do with the source material and degrade it a bit. On top of that, Chadat also added references to famous films like Star Wars and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and they are quite ridiculous. As for the Asterix adaptations: the animated ones aren't very good, the first live-action film is a weird hodgepodge of several books, and this one, though not a hodgepodge, it’s literally overstuffed and a lot of crazy fun. If you are a fan of the Asterix cartoons (which I count myself among), you won’t enjoy this much, but if you like silly nonsense, you’ll probably be satisfied. I chose to compromise :)


Daredevil (2003) 

English For the first half I enjoyed how briskly and insightfully it was filmed. But then I got bored with it and even the great Farrell couldn't save it. The fight scenes have pizzazz, Daredevil's perception was well presented, but the rest wasn't worth much. It needed more action and less posing and pathos. Bullseye had very little space and Affleck doesn’t fit in the role of a super-hero, although he wasn’t that bad.


Apparences (2000) 

English I saw it in the darkness of an empty cinema, and I was scared. The last time something like this happened was two years ago with Raimi's The Gift. Zemeckis is a great director who plays with the viewer like a cat with a mouse and although I don't like ghost stories, I enjoyed this likeable horror film, including the final half hour, which blew me away. Just when you expected the climax, there was another and another, and surprisingly I didn't feel like I was being set up at all. Whether it's an homage to Hitchcock, or a rip-off of Hitchcock and all that blah blah blah, I don't care. PS: Years later I watched it a second time and it didn't have the same power. But still, very good job Mr Zemeckis!


The Pianist (2002) 

English I don't want to be too pathetic, but more films like this! So that people won’t forget the horrors that were committed, the horrors that the human race is capable of committing against itself, so that something like that doesn't happen again. And Adrien Brody, he blew me away! I completely lived his role with him, he was absolutely riveting and I'm so glad he got the Oscar. Just like Polanski, whose family was murdered by the Nazis and he knew very well what he was talking about – something clearly evident in this beautiful, haunting work.


Signs (2002) 

English I’ll start with the good things. I liked how Shyamalan used the girl's obsession with water and Merrill's baseball ability to "swing hard" at the end. Both, seemingly unrelated to the plot, resulted in a successful twist. It’s also true that some scenes are brilliantly shot and lethally tense, Shyamalan really knows how to “polish a turd”. And now the worse: Shyamalan tries to tackle a lot of issues, like the question of faith, parenthood and on so forth. It disrupts the coherence of the plot and often gets boring even. Some scenes (a wannabe emotionally tense scene with the prayer before a meal, the dialogue with the dying wife) seem terribly unnatural. Shyamalan, as a devout Catholic, solves his own problems, he is not very good at psychology and the result is a strange mess – something between a psychological film and a pure horror movie. Those two things don’t fit together and things end up falling apart.


Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) 

English An imaginatively rich fantasy. Some of the scenes are so breathtaking that seeing them on a wide screen in a cinema must be a blast. The story is weaker, the Pearl Harbor-style aerial combat mixed with Star Wars doesn't work very well. But if you like animated films, you’ll enjoy this because the creators didn’t spare the fantasy. Overall, a strong three stars.