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Diary (2)

David Thomson o Hlubokém spánku (1946)

"[...] at some point during the mayhem of The Big Sleep, more to make conversation than in search for meaning, Bogart asked who had done one of the killings in the story. No one had the answer, not Hawks nor Jules Furthman, his favoured "on-set" writer. So they asked [screenplay writers] William Faulkner and Leigh Brackett -- no dice. Then they called [Raymond] Chandler [the author of the novel] (never far from the produciton), and he didn't know either..."

Robert Stam

The slicing up of a theoretical continuum into neatly seperated movements and schools, moreover, is always somewhat arbitrary. ''Feminism,'' ''psychoanalysis,'' ''deconstruction,'' ''postcoloniality,'' and ''textual analysis'' are here discussed seperately and in succession, for example, yet nothing prevents a psychoanalytic postcolonial feminist from using deconstruction as part of textual analysis. 

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