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Reviews (1,480)


Messiah (2020) (series) 

English Like yeah, it's a show about nothing. It's also pretty empty of thought, a bit parroting, and for a show that's supposed to be about the coming of a new messiah, it falls pretty short on that front. Basically, it seems to me that the writers took a couple of religious books, slapped a few things together, then frowned importantly at Huntington, so that maybe the agent could be saying something new and not what can be found on Wikipedia. I found the same kind about nothing with the messiah himself; he basically remains unresolved until the end and I'd be happy for a sequel because I just want to know if it's a lie or not (even though in the end maybe someone will get the picture, I still have big buts). The content of the series is really about nothing. It's just that form won out for me here. I simply enjoyed watching it. It was nice to switch off and just watch because I was interested to see how similar it was to the book The Sixth Station. I enjoyed looking for parallels in it, I enjoyed how the characters spoke multiple languages, I enjoyed the actors because they were gathered from all over the world, I enjoyed looking for more in the characters than the writers gave them credit for. Exceptionally, therefore, my rating reflects form rather than content. 4 stars by a hair.


Sunny (2018) 

English Pretty much on par with the 2011 Korean film, just a bit more character-driven here – it's fairly clear who's who. The performances weren't bad, except that Hirose Suzu didn't really do much – the question is whether it was also because her character is so bland and flavorless. And Miura Haruma didn't suit me at all, he seemed like such a creepy pedo. Despite all this, I think the rest of the film was cast decently, it's a watchable, relaxing film, and Ohne Hitoshi didn't do anything in it to detract from the film. Such an average comedy/drama.


Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) 

English I actually left the cinema rather disappointed. I couldn't even properly tell what I thought of the film, but I wasn't enthusiastic. Sure, it jumped from one to the next and serviced what it could to please everyone, so even I found something there that I was happy with. Unfortunately, as a whole, it didn't work for me. The film doesn't let up and it doesn't really matter that much if you enjoy what's happening on screen, but I can't quite say I did. The first half is basically a diamond chase, then it jumps into drama, then it jumps into a battle, and we end with a big galactic party of forty people somewhere in the jungle. Perhaps there weren’t more people celebrating because they knew there was nothing to celebrate. In the end, I liked Ben the best out of the whole series because he was going somewhere. It's just a shame about the ending, it could have been better. I'm embarrassed and unsatisfied with the movie and I'm sorry because the second one had the potential to be something new, good, spectacular. In the end, I got bogged down and got nothing new or spectacular. Damn shame to end it like that. A weak 3 stars.


Love You... Love You Not (2015) 

English Some of it was ok, some of it was over the line. Unfortunately, Indonesian humor and culture don't do much for me, and this movie just proved it. Or maybe it just wasn't good, which can't be ruled out considering I couldn't watch it in one sitting. Or two. I was just bored for a large part of the movie, trying to play solitaire like a grandmaster on the side... Not impressed. Not at all. Except for the setting, because it's an exotic place.


Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) 

English Okay, I wasn't expecting it, but surprisingly it was quite good. It was brisk, entertaining here and there, and well-paced from start to finish. I didn't even think the acting was bad, on the contrary everyone did a decent job. As a relaxing, no-frills follow-up to the 1995 film, it accomplishes what it's supposed to. A strong 3 stars.


A Cinderella Story: Christmas Wish (2019) 

English I love all the Cinderella stories of all varieties so much, it's quite a guilty pleasure for me, so I'll occasionally close both eyes and let the bullshit intoxicate me. But this? Good God, this is truly awful. Very, very bad. A Cinderella Story: Christmas Wish offers nothing, adds nothing, doesn't evoke the Christmas spirit, doesn't impress with its acting or singing, doesn't impress with the story either.nothing, adds nothing, doesn't evoke the Christmas spirit, doesn't impress with the acting or singing, doesn't impress with the story either. Unfortunately, it doesn't even fall into the average, but rather into the sewage. A waste of time.


Single Tokyo Man (2019) (series) 

English Basically a fairly hilarious slice of life tale that I devoured in one afternoon. This tale is also accompanied by a very good cast, so that alone makes it worth a watch. It's not too long; the ending may be a bit rushed, but what the heck, the flow was fine. Fine if you're in the mood for an unpretentious slice-of-life series with romance here and there, friendship, and a glimpse into the lives of single Japanese guys who aren't living their worst lives. An improved 3 stars.


Parasite (2019) 

English Unfortunately I can't go with the flow. I totally acknowledge that the film is well made. The cinematography was for me the best part of the whole movie. But the rest of it... tone deaf? Because I didn't find it funny. I don't like it when people get tricked like that, and here it escalated to unfortunate heights for my taste. Not to mention the ending, which was to be expected from a certain point on. I don't think it was anything innovative. I don't think it deserves so much attention, but the film obviously came at the right time in the right place. Mostly I also thought it was too long. It didn't feel like 132 minutes, it felt like three days. I guess I need to establish some sort of rapport with the characters, I need someone to at least be likeable; it didn't happen here. I couldn't even sympathize with them, nothing. Cold. Maybe it was meant to be, in which case it's a completely unsatisfying film for me. Great cinematography, good cast, but a totally cranky Ziza.


Carole & Tuesday (2019) (series) 

English Sadly mediocre anime, even though the creators try: there are a lot of new songs, it's nicely animated. Yet it fails to impress with the most important thing, and that's the characters. Somehow I don't even know that they've developed, in fact I somehow failed to notice its progress on the music front... almost as if it was effortless. Sure, they had their troubles, but it didn't really matter. Even if they didn't have any, nothing would have changed. So this anime isn't watched for the characters, but rather for the director and, in the end, hopefully for the songs (I like movies that are about music, so that was another reason I sat down to watch it). But somehow the anime took an awfully long time for me to finish watching, it didn't quite catch on. It's superficial. But in the end, if you take it as a mealtime diversion, totally sufficient. 50%.


Put Your Head on My Shoulder (2019) (series) 

English Such a nice laid back anime, the central couple is cute, there aren't any brutal twists. It all plays out slowly and the viewer just watches as their awkward relationship moves on. And it does. I watched it for about three months because I didn't feel the need to rush off and watch the next episode, but I always liked coming back to it. Relaxing and mostly cute. Definitely not a waste of time. A nice 3 stars.