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Recent reviews (1,768)


Inside Out 2 (2024) 

English Just like the first one, Inside Out 2 is an engaging and cleverly written animated film that makes great use of its fascinating setting. While part of the story feels like a variation of what we’ve already seen, the way the main character evolves brings a fresh twist, and there are still plenty of surprises. New emotions are introduced, causing quite a bit of chaos in the head, as is typical with puberty, but none of them stood out to me as particularly compelling — I still prefer the original ones. The humor didn't hit the mark for me this time; I only found myself laughing once or twice. However, the imaginative depiction of our inner world captivated me, and I enjoyed seeing how everything worked. The animation is top-notch, and the music is great too. Overall, Inside Out 2 earns a 7.5/10 from me.


A Couple of Cuckoos - Season 1 (2022) (season) 

English Considering that the premise about accidentally switched babies feels like something out of a sub-par Mexican soap opera, I was quite surprised at what an intimate and sometimes boring romance A Couple of Cuckoos is. Some of the humor borders on stupidity and many of the would-be dramatic moments are based on silly misunderstandings or common genre clichés. I couldn’t really bring myself to root for any of the three girls, and I found Umino quite uninteresting, and sort of wishy-washy. What I liked the least was his relationship with his step-sister, which the show tried to push a bit too hard as a possible solution to the whole romantic polygon. I just don't buy it, and Sachi seems more like an annoying appendage than a romantic prospect. It's a bit better with the other two girls, there’s at least a little chemistry there and I understand what the writers were aiming for, but I can't say I find it particularly entertaining or enjoyable. It’s great in terms of animation and the music is audible and tries to create a certain vibe. There are a couple of stronger moments, but not powerful enough to excite me or arouse my interest. It’s just a run-of-the-mill anime that I watched until the end, but it didn’t leave a mark on me. I might even forget it in a few days. I'd have to really think about whether I want to watch another season. 4.5/10


The Misfit of Demon King Academy - Season 2 (2023) (season) 

English Did you really think the second season would be as good as the first? Initially, I did, and I was really excited for it. I didn't even mind the change in the main character's voice actor since their voices are quite similar. That was the least of my concerns. What really got to me wasn't the terrible CGI for the monsters, which was the worst I've seen since the Great Goddess Mitama. Even with the awful CGI dragons and human-faced trees that looked like something from a mediocre PS2 game, the biggest issue wasn't the animation. The real problem was the lack of humor, lightness, and charm that the first season had. While there were some cool moments with Anos that I enjoyed and which reminded me why I love the main character, there were no memorable or over-the-top scenes like when Anos spun a castle like a top or defeated an opponent with the beat of his heart. The closest it got was in the final episode when Anos stomped seven times, but even that didn't quite hit the mark. What made it worse was the excessive amount of talking. It felt like the creators knew they wouldn’t get a second season initially, so they focused on making the main character look cool without much story exposition. But since the show became so popular, they crammed all the lore and story into the second season, resulting in a lot of boring dialogue that slowed down the pace significantly. I have nothing against complex stories and lore (I'm a big RPG player and DnD fan), but the way it was presented here felt unnecessary and dull. The story, while trying to be grand and convoluted, could always be summarized as "Nothing is ever what it seems, and everything turns out the way Anos wants." It's just a shame the journey to that conclusion wasn't as epic as the destination. This attempt at deep and complex fantasy made the show lose its fun and lightheartedness. What was once a simple and amusing story about an OP main character turned into an ultimate conflict with false demon lords, gods, and dragons. But the creators failed to make it engaging or enjoyable. Even when Anos says his iconic line, "Did you really think that..." it no longer brings a smile or anticipation for what's next. Considering all the production issues and delays (which also dampened my enthusiasm), the result is disappointing. A show I was eagerly awaiting became an average experience that I finished without much excitement. The first half was a 6/10, the second half barely a 5/10, so overall, it's a 5.5/10.

Recent ratings (5,854)

Narenare: Cheer for You! (2024) (series)


VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream (2024) (series)


Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master (2024) (series)


The King's Avatar - Season 3 (2024) (season) (S03)


Dahlia in Bloom: Crafting a Fresh Start with Magical Tools (2024) (series)


Days with My Step Sister (2024) (series)


Isekai System (2020)


Make Love (2020)


Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction (2024) (series)



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